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  1. #1

    Default Why prefer marvel over DC?

    Marvel fans, why do you prefer marvel over dc?

  2. #2
    Unstoppable Member KC's Avatar
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    The majority of my favourite comic runs come from Marvel.
    “Somewhere, in our darkest night, we made up the story of a man who will never let us down.”

    - Grant Morrison on Superman

  3. #3
    Hold your machete tight! Personamanx's Avatar
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    A good comic is a good comic regardless of publisher. As is at the moment there are very few that appeal to me, none from DC presently.

  4. #4
    Extraordinary Member
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    While Marvel certainly be confusing, I like the feeling of the continued storyline. DC seemingly to reset itself so often really made it hard for me to want to jump in when I first got into comics. I also like Marvel focus on team books. Their lack of a house style also means that you get some really different artists.

    I guess there's just this feeling that DC only really has Batman. I like Batman as an idea, but I never really got into "detective" comics.

  5. #5
    Astonishing Member Oberon's Avatar
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    This! The very often resetting of their universe makes it hard for older readers to stay interested.

    Conversely, Batman is a character I can not relate to as well as Batwoman. Only DC comic that means something to me.

  6. #6
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    The Marvel characters are just more interesting as fully developed people with relatable flaws and foibles. They're "real" in a way that DC's characters aren't.

    DC characters, for the most part, were created in a simpler time and for a younger audience. They have an iconic shine to them that, I think, is always dangerous to try and sully. They're heroes that belong on Mt. Olympus. That's how they work best and how they should be treated. I love those characters and love the DC universe (when it's being written to its strengths) but ultimately DC works best for me in isolated spurts. The characters are so iconic that I enjoy reading them more in isolated stories rather than feeling invested in their ongoing struggles. And they're so timeless that, if I have an itch to read, say, a Batman or a Superman story, pulling out a favorite from back in the day satisfies that itch and feels just as relevant (sometimes more so) as anything new could.

    Marvel, on the other hand, is an ongoing soap opera-ish tapestry that I want to stay current with (the fact that Marvel has never rebooted while DC has - always to confusing effect - only adds to that. I can read a new issue of Daredevil and know that everything going back to issue #1 is still a part of his history while if I read a new issue of Flash, or any DC character, I know that's not the case. I don't even think anyone at DC really knows how their continuity lines up anymore.). I also think Marvel and their characters have much more leeway for change and they can go through many creative hands and many different takes and yet still feel true to themselves. You can have Stan Lee's Daredevil and Frank Miller's Daredevil and Mark Waid's Daredevil, all of which are very different, and yet you still feel the connecting thread that carries through all these different eras.

    Also, along with their more down to earth demeanor, Marvel's heroes have a natural humor to them that I've always found appealing and that doesn't have a ready equivalent to at DC. DC heroes aren't, by nature, jokesters. And that's fine. Aside from stuff like Keith Giffen's Justice League International, the DC universe isn't normally a place where you find much humor. But humor is a part of everyday life, even in stressful situations, and that aspect to Marvel, built into it from the very start, is a part of why it's more relatable to me.

    Aside from the humor, I feel like there's also more pathos and tragedy to Marvel's heroes. They experience setbacks and disappointments and have everyday challenges that feel more real than what DC heroes experience on a regular basis.

    DC comics were my first comics as a kid and I'll always have a nostalgic love of them and will continue to periodically revisit that world. But Marvel has, for the reasons listed above, simply sustained my interest much more.
    Last edited by Prof. Warren; 10-16-2018 at 07:45 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosebunse View Post
    While Marvel certainly be confusing, I like the feeling of the continued storyline. DC seemingly to reset itself so often really made it hard for me to want to jump in when I first got into comics. I also like Marvel focus on team books. Their lack of a house style also means that you get some really different artists.
    Yes, this is another big plus for Marvel over DC for me. By design, DC has a very same-ish look to their books while Marvel features a much greater variety of cool, different art.

  8. #8
    Maintaining Status Q _Feely_'s Avatar
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    Don't have a preference; a good story is a good story.

    Saying that...

    My favourite characters are mostly DC.
    My favourite stories are mostly Marvel.
    When DC do good, I feel they do better than Marvel.
    Marvel have had better long-arc stories i.e Bendis Avengers era.

    Currently reading way more DC than Marvel (which is 3 books against none), but reading other publishers far more than either of those.

  9. #9
    Uncanny Member XPac's Avatar
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    When I was younger, I felt the marvel characters were a bit more down to earth and relatable than DC characters (though at this point I think both companies are relatively even in this regard).

    But the constant crisis reboots really turned me off to DC.

  10. #10
    Astonishing Member Kusanagi's Avatar
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    1: They have more characters I'm interested in (I'm not 100% Marvel I do love some DC characters)

    2: The reboots/continuity changes can be maddening.
    Current Pull: Amazing Spider-Man and Domino

    Bunn for Deadpool's Main Book!

  11. #11


    The honest truth is that the X-Men were what I was first exposed to as a kid, and thus I started reading Marvel. Nothing every really pulled me into reading DC like that.

    I don't think it's very reflective of the content they're producing, and just more the dumb luck of what cartoons were on in my childhood.

  12. #12
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    Honestly, I don't inherently prefer Marvel to DC. I love superhero comics in general.

    The problem with DC is the constant reboots and the constant state of flux of their universe. I mean, the reboots are so thorough and savage that following their universe can really be difficult. I mean, just look at how seriously things have changed between the nu52 and Rebirth. It's pretty crazy.

    Another thing is that i generally have preferred Marvel's storytelling over DCs over time and all their classic stories are still cannon (with the odd retcon thrown in). Marvel's universe has always possessed a certain complexity to it that DCs didn't have. This is entirely subjective though and your mileage might vary.

    It also helped that I got into the multi-cultural X-men team when growing up. It's actually rather important to us as minorities that we see people that look like us as superheroes too. Part of the reason I completely dropped off the X-men was the total white washing of the team but that's a discussion for another thread.
    Last edited by Username taken; 10-16-2018 at 08:21 AM.

  13. #13
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    I actually prefer DC's characters overall (maybe only because I was raised on the DC cartoons of the '90s and '00s), but Marvel comics are more addictive, so I read more of them.

    Marvel's comics and storytelling style is very soap-opera and continuity-heavy. The style of most of their best titles is meant to make you addicted to them and keep you following storylines for months and even years. DC came later to that kind of superhero storytelling and when they finally started doing it, they were clearly imitating Marvel. (New Teen Titans was good, but it did not sustain its quality and popularity for as long as Uncanny X-Men, which it was influenced by.)

    DC is strong just where Marvel is usually weak, in short standalone stories and out-of-continuity "Elseworlds" stories. Out-of-continuity Batman and Superman stories are often, to me, more enjoyable than monthly runs, so I don't feel the same need to follow their monthly adventures as I do with Marvel characters.

    So I guess I am more of a Marvel person just because Marvel's strengths and weaknesses (as I see them) cause me to spend more on their monthly comics and less on other things.

  14. #14
    Uncanny Member Digifiend's Avatar
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    Grew up on Marvel. They had a bunch of cartoons in the 90s, including the very popular X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons. DC though, only really had their Batman cartoon at that time (their other popular stuff like Teen Titans and Young Justice came later), which I was never a fan of.
    Appreciation Thread Indexes
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  15. #15
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    Honestly I've been more interested in Valiant comics than the "big 2". But I like Marvel for it's superhuman races(Inhumans being my favorite) and cosmic properties (I'm still waiting for a new LOSH from DC)

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