Quote Originally Posted by Darthfury78 View Post
Hopeless left the ball drop on Spider-Woman badly. He should have made Peter Parker a reoccurring guest in Jessica's book instead of Silk. Why does Marvel feel that they need to cater the heroines towards girls(who are actually reading The Amazing Spider-Man). Hopeless could had brought at larger audience to Spider-Woman if he had created a story between Peter and Jessica for a story arc...
While it would've been cool to see Peter and Jessica interact for a full story, Hopeless' Spider-Woman actually really benefited from not having to shove Peter into her story. Instead they could focus on her more established relationship with Carol, the more obvious connection with Ben, the surprisingly sweet relationship growth with the porcupine, and her baby. Honestly don't really see the book as catering "specifically for girls", felt fairly gender neutral to me, even when they focused on stuff like the town of abused partners.
(Also Silk only appeared in the Spider-Verse tie-in and Spider-Women crossover in her book, that's it)