Like it says on the tin.

We've had threads where people would end up hating each other. This is the flip side... who if the fictional multiverse, if they ever met, would get along so damned well they might as well become BFF's to the point of even sharing underwear?

I'll start with a non-human pairing:

-Judy Hopps(Zootopia)
-Birdy Cephon(Birdy the Mighty)

One rookie cop with a heart of gold, but without the power to change things with her own two hands, and the other a seasoned veteran who tries to look on the good side of things, but who isn't so naive that she doesn't have her own connections in dark places(who are sh!t scared of her because of the physical power she does have)

Judy would be a refreshing friend, and Birdy would be Judy's cup of sweetened concrete.


Who else in the fictional multiverse would get along famously if they met?