Quote Originally Posted by Agent Z View Post
There's the cops line about there being a "new kind of mean in him" when they find the sex trafficker bound and one of the conversations with Alfred brings it up.

Not every kill batman makes in BvS is a murder was my point. In the warehouse he isn't in an armored vehicle and didn't have time to plan a way to get her out without lethal force. Even in the car chase, the thugs are the ones shooting him first. Even ignoring that, Snyder at least knows Bruce is killing people and doesn't pretend otherwise.

And yes Bruce does kill people in Miller's TDKR. Unless you want to tell me dropping bombs on people and shooting people doesn't kill them.
The branding being new has no bearing on whether killing is new.

When Batman shoots people in TDKR it's specified to be with rubber bullets, and he doesn't bomb people. He makes a big impassioned speech speech about how bad guns are, and one of the central conflicts is his desire to finally break his 'one rule.' He's brutal, but he doesn't kill anyone.

And even if it were definitively proven that Batman only started killing recently in the film, which it hasn't been, it still doesn't change the fact that the central conflict and the Martha moment would have been far more powerful and just plain better if Superman was the only person he ever considered killing in the movie.