Quote Originally Posted by Snoop Dogg View Post
Griever will come back since Dan has like 50 issues left. The mechanics of how she works and her defeat were really clever since I basically agreed with her questioning how Reed adding more bodies was going to stop a God killer.

Great handling of all the guests and the Future Foundation. I would have thought such a large cast in 20 pages wouldn't work, but it did. Love the Hulk beat.

That bit with Peter and Ben essentially invokes what Dan said on Word Balloon years ago when he went on a tangent about how Ben was the guy who would always get up when knocked down. It was like a nice continuity callback to something outside of a book.

We really need to stop stressing the Val/Frank age thing. Trying to calculate a sliding timescale with numbers is just going to lead to headaches. The Val problem starts with Mark and John just writing her as like a 10 year old genius in an apparently 3 year old body. I'm just gonna accept that she's like 12.

Props to Marte Gracia for making Nico and Sara's art go together so well. I genuinely didn't notice a change. Nico's kind of a shapeshifter artist too, so props to him as well.

Overall, great issue and one of the best recent comic fights. Everyone's firing on all cylinders. Can't get enough of this book.
In the headcanon of my mind, Val is 12 and Franklin is closer to 16. It's really something to see Franklin FINALLY growing up a bit.