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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Isolationist or not: How the X-men should be handled at Marvel

    Given how many fans dislike when other heroes and/or villains invade the X-men world, then tell me this: HOW do YOU want to see the X-men viewed as ?

    I mean they isolate themselves from the other Marvel heroes, it makes me wonder just WHY don't they just leave Earth to the other heroes and villains and find a new world and/or parallel world where they're the heroes and not the Avengers ?

    Just tell me this: If you don't want them to interact within the Marvel Universe, then how would you feel if they were to just LEAVE ?

  2. #2
    Invincible Member Havok83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmbmool View Post
    Given how many fans dislike when other heroes and/or villains invade the X-men world, then tell me this: HOW do YOU want to see the X-men viewed as ?

    I mean they isolate themselves from the other Marvel heroes, it makes me wonder just WHY don't they just leave Earth to the other heroes and villains and find a new world and/or parallel world where they're the heroes and not the Avengers ?

    Just tell me this: If you don't want them to interact within the Marvel Universe, then how would you feel if they were to just LEAVE ?
    Thats like telling a black person to go back to Africa or somewhere else if they dont like the conditions in the US. If you find that offensive or too extreme, then you got your answer as to why mutants dont simply leave Earth

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    That's not the problem.
    the X-Men can interact with other heroes.
    The problem is when they are treated as villains to push other heroes, the problem is when other heroes intrude on issues that are exclusive to X-Men, acting as if they were the solution, as if they knew more than the X-Men, as if they were the great saviors of everything.
    We're talking about X-Men stories, not the Avengers, Inhumans, or others.

    And why should X-Men be Avengers? Apart from Carol Danvers, no Avenger has become an X-Man. Why?
    I'd be happy to see Hank Pym on the X-Men team, for example.

    And first of all, the Avengers and Inhumans must acknowledge their mistake for AvX and that thing about M-Pox and HitlerClops.

    Until this happens, I'd rather see them away from the x-books.

  4. #4
    Astonishing Member Knives's Avatar
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    No one is against their interaction.

    Usually readers like team ups between characters. The problem is that in recent years their relationship has been difficult because of various events and civil wars and contrary to what marvel believes many fans remember or refuse to leave it behind.

    I do not remember anyone being bothered with Iceman, Spider and Firestar fighting a villain together. But seeing Thor punching young mutants or the Avengers attacking Utopia to kidnap a young mutant is hard to forget.

    If the Avengers or some group had helped after the school or Genosha massacre no one would complain. It would be a natural attitude for heroes just as the X-men helped in Stamford.

    If the Avengers came to help from time to time as in Jean's case do not understand what the problem ?

    As long as the X-mens are not used as punching bags for other heroes to stand out everything will be fine.

  5. #5
    member triclops's Avatar
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    Before AvX, I would have loved to have seen more interaction, after it I would rather the Avengers and other Marvel Heroes stay away. My problem isn't really with the other heroes but with Marvel in general. After years of the X-Men comics being left on there own Marvel thru the Avengers showed up and was like " Why are half of the X-Men on Utopia and not at a school"?, "Why isn't Professor X in charge?" What are the X-Men cool with the Phoenix?". There are logical reason why these thing had happened. Instead of dealing with those issue. Marvel seem to say "The X-Men are broken lets fix them". They then fixed something that was not broken.

  6. #6
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    I'd just have them in an enrirely different parallel universe altogether.

    The existence of all the excess supers kinda makes the premise of the X-Men silly. Humans wouldn't exclusively dislike mutants when there are kinds of other evolved beings that are better than humans. Also, with the X-Men in a different continuity altogether, there would be no need to wonder why other generic heroes don't come to help them whenever Apocalypse or Sinister or Mojo or whoever is doing a thing.

    It would be absolutely great.

  7. #7


    With so many superheroes living in the same few miles of NYC, by any logic they should all be tripping over each other and fighting each other's villains all the time. It's fine. I mean, there are millions of people living in NYC, but they each have their own lives. I don't think the X-Men and Avengers need to be in separate worlds to be effective. They have their own themes and stories to explore. Rare, occasional crossovers is plenty. Mutants are numerous and random enough to warrant extra suspicion compared to Avengers type. I mean, the US military has thousands of nuclear bombs in their arsenal, but the random person is still going to be more afraid of a terrorist group getting their hands on just one bomb. Fear and suspicion is not always uniformly distributed. That's just realistic, actually.
    Let the flames destroy all but that which is pure and true!

  8. #8
    Incredible Member DearMachine's Avatar
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    My reason for it is pretty practical.

    1) The X-Men cast is MASSIVE. There's barely enough page space for what I'd consider the core X-Men, let alone all their students and pals. If you have them interact with the rest of the Marvel Universe on a regular basis, you add to that massive cast, and make the problem worse.

    2) Plus, I don't read many Marvel comics outside of X-Men. I don't want to have to pick up random single issues when they're crossing over with other books. It means I have to keep track of the crossover points, and ask my comic book dude to pull issue #34 and #35 of some book that I normally don't read, in case it sells out before I get there. At that point, the hobby feels like work. I am already bitter how often DC makes me do it.

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