In honor of his recent passing, pilgrims...

Stan Lee!

All true believers can post a cover featuring either a comic the late, great Stan the Man had a hand in writing or a cover with him on it. 'Nuff said!

Here are the rules:
Post one (and only one) cover that fits the theme of this week's contest.
Cover must be from a published comic book or collected volume.
Covers must be posted before voting begins.
Voting begins 12 AM Tuesday and runs until 12 AM Wednesday PST.
Vote by posting the name in bold of the poster whose cover best fits the theme or that you simply like the most.
The winner of the contest is the entrant with the most votes after the voting period.
It's okay to discuss the covers but if you think someone's entry doesn't fit the theme or violates the rules, you don't need to argue it in the thread, simply don't vote for it.
Most importantly please remember that we're here to have fun. Enjoy!

Excelsior (and RIP, Stan )!