Quote Originally Posted by charliehustle415 View Post
With Strikeforce we learn how Punisher and his crew get the assignment to blowup the black bifrost, we learn where Cap and his crew were and how Thor came back into the fray, and we learn how Venom was captured.

How can you say it is not required? We learn HOW the players got where they are, in WoTR we learn none of that.
Basically we are told that all happens. So it is not required, which I agree with Snoop Dogg about.

My point is that the story lacks excitement because we are given a beginning and end in each of these subplots but nothing else. Maybe that makes the tie-ins important? I don't know about that, really I think the story could just avoid pointing out those things are happening and just give a little more emphasis on the things that are happening here.