This thread can go two ways:
  • List Movie titles which have corresponding theme songs, with lyrics. (Please include a youtube video, if you can or will.) Quite often, I find these songs corny, but that is the part of their appeal. I still remember, when my son, being a huge Spawn fan, was ultimately let down for not hearing "SPAWN" in the main title, at all. So much so, it inspire him to write a song to correct that oversight... at the tender age of 7.
  • Or better yet, list movies inspired by song lyrics. With Hollywood running out of ideas, I feel this trend is going to be the next BIG thing. Therefore, I start the thread, so I can later say... I told you so. Thank God, we don't have to worry about them conceptualizing recent chart toppers, because these songs will actually have to... Say something.

Anyway, the later criteria is the one that inspired this thread, but I'm aware of the fact, that there would be slim pickings for movies based on a song lyrics, hence the expanded rule of vice versa. Needless to say, Instrumentals will NOT qualify, but songs with limited lyrics (such as the ones, only repeating the title of the movie/TV series) will be accepted.