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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member
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    Default "Arachknight" - An interesting version of Spider-Man

    I'm working into a list to identify all the characters from "Infinity Warps", and there are quite interesting twists in the section of "Arachknight". I have to say, Moon Knight didn't seem like the most appropiated candidate of Marvel to be combined with Spider-Man; especially considering this guy's fractured mind with several identities. But then I realized, they are more similar that I thought. Even in the part of "several identities". I just realized Peter had a similar situation during the arc of "Identity Crisis". Check it:

    + "Friendly Arachnid": This identity is clearly the Spider-Man's part of Arachknight. However, considering the streetwise part, I believe it can also be considered as a combination of Ricochet's identity and Jake Lockley's persona of Moon Knight.
    + "The Knight": This identity is clearly the Moon Knight's part of Arachknight. However, considering the aggresive and dark part, I believe it can also be considered as a combination of Dusk's identity and Moon Knight's persona.
    + "CEO Peter": This one could be a mix between Prodigy's identity and Steven Grant's persona of Moon Knight.
    + "Science Peter": This one could be a mix between Hornet's identity and Marc Spector's persona of Moon Knight. (Marc Spector is good making weapons, so it must have a scientific side too).

    Well, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Formerly Assassin Spider Huntsman Spider's Avatar
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    He is definitely interesting, I can agree with that much. And I did like the tragic twist on the Goblin-by-Night's identity and relationships with Peter and Harry.
    The spider is always on the hunt.

  3. #3
    Astonishing Member
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    There's another curious point. The character Marley Jane Watson is actually a combination of Mary Jane Watson (obviously) and Marlene "Marley" Abraune (a classic romance of Moon Knight).

    According to what I read, Moon Knight and Marlene had a daughter named Diatrice. If everyone in the Warp is warped to someone, then Diatrice should be merged with the daughter of Peter and Mary Jane. Since this Diatrice is quite young, I guess she could be merged with young Annie (from Renew Your Vows). Then, with the warped world undone, we could have Annie in the main reality.

    There's another reality where Marc Spector had a daughter named Jessica. She could be combined with Mayday.

  4. #4
    Formerly Assassin Spider Huntsman Spider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ursalink View Post
    There's another curious point. The character Marley Jane Watson is actually a combination of Mary Jane Watson (obviously) and Marlene "Marley" Abraune (a classic romance of Moon Knight).

    According to what I read, Moon Knight and Marlene had a daughter named Diatrice. If everyone in the Warp is warped to someone, then Diatrice should be merged with the daughter of Peter and Mary Jane. Since this Diatrice is quite young, I guess she could be merged with young Annie (from Renew Your Vows). Then, with the warped world undone, we could have Annie in the main reality.

    There's another reality where Marc Spector had a daughter named Jessica. She could be combined with Mayday.
    Interesting. Very interesting.
    The spider is always on the hunt.

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