Quote Originally Posted by Pav View Post
For me, the Slingers should be something very specific: a team of realistic young adults who walk the line between legitimate heroes and super-powered slackers.

They should be flawed. They should mess up.

This was Joe Harris's original take -- that young adults who gained super powers wouldn't automatically become awesome heroes, and to me, this general concept for the Slingers is a perfect fit in a comic line defined by the themes of "power and responsibility."

There are other awesome characters in the Spiderverse that definitely deserve screen time, yet don't strike me as Slingers.

For example, I'd love a team that consisted of...

Black Cat
Rocket Racer

But if I'm reading a Slingers comic, I want to see Johnny and Ritchie about to throw down; I want to see Ben Reilly and Phil Urich as mirrors to Peter Parker's morality.

Oh, and if Kaine's there, I want Hummingbird there as well.

-Pav, who is kinda surprised there's been so few attempts at a Spider-team title...
Question: If you want a team of young adults like Ritchie on (I agree, you have to have the orginals in some capacity) why add Kaine or Ben? Aren't they like to old to be considered young adults at this point?