The best thing IMO for the fan-base would be to cancel the show, and release the rights so that one day a company that's actually passionate about the character and source material can do a proper adaption.

This is not the best thing for the cast and crew however, who rely on the show for continued employment, although it is up in the air as to how much longer the show will last after this. A lot of people keep saying the CW doesn't cancel anything, but they do actually, and the way things are going my guess is productions are only going to get more expensive. Hey, maybe the show will go on for years, but at the moment I doubt it.
Or we could wait for season 2 and see how things turn out with Javicia in the role, instead of predicting doom and that show will be cancelled

The best thing CW can do right now to save the show is fire the show runner, whose imploding and taking the show with him, switch Javicia Leslie to be the new Kate Kane (nobody recognises her as not looking like Ruby Rose) and continue the plot threads from season 1. They won't do this.
Ok thats the craziest idea I have heard so far, thats not going to happen...ever. Kate is an established white character in this universe, her father is white, her sister is white. Everyone knows her as white. And it also wouldnt be fair for Javicia cast. She is a black woman, let her play a black woman.