Superhero films have been trending for the past decade, and it looks like that trend isn't going anywhere any time soon. No matter if you personally like Marvel Studios' films, you have to admit that they are damn successful, and much more cohesive than other franchises from other studios. I, personally, think this is in part due to Disney owning Marvel. I've been intensively studying Disney lately and they always strive to produce the highest quality content; plus, they are amazing marketers.

Disney has acquired Fox, meaning the X-Men is now under their banner. As fans, I think it's a basic desire to see our favorite comic characters on the big screen. We constantly ask which characters will be chosen, who will be cast as these characters, and what storylines they will adapt. However, after seeing the success of Sony's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and the fact that it currently has a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes and has been nominated for multiple awards (including a Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature Film) shows that animated films can be just as high quality as live action films (also considering movies from Walt Disney studios are usually praised). So, I pose a question:

Would you prefer the new X-Men film franchise to be live action or animated?

Factors to consider when answering this question:

  1. Can an animated film better showcase the grandeur of the X-Men? (i.e. flashy colors, superheroics, bizarre concepts, character designs, etc.)
  2. Would producing animated films be cheaper, thus the possibility of having more films more often? (Spider-Man: Homecoming cost $175 million and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse cost $90 million; however, depending on the animation, it may be more expensive -- Tangled is currently the most expensive animated film costing at $260 million)
  3. Would making the X-Men an animated franchise easily separate them from the Avengers-centric MCU, but while still being in the same universe?
  4. Would you want a combination of both? (i.e. main X-Men stories get live-action films, but satellite stories like New Mutants' Demon Bear get animated films)