Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kelly View Post
I have a hunch when THE FLASH ends this season we'll see a new newspaper but this one will have a 2019 date and it will show that Green Arrow vanished in the Crisis. Of course, with that clue, Team Flash and Team Arrow will want to stop that from happening.
Yes - there was more to Ollie's conversation with the Monitor and I bet it has to do with him trying to sacrificing himself instead of Barry. (or at least that will be the deal) I'm a bit surprised they pulled the "Flash and Supergirl have to die" thing here instead of Crisis, since they were the two major casualties in the comics.

But in terms of things I'd like to see: (aside from every hero who's ever existed in the Arrowverse, including the JSA and Legion)
-- Black Lightning and Supergirl incorporated into the main Arrow-verse.(Crisis-style as if they'd always been that way) They don't have to cross over all the time, just have them on the same world and deal with it.
-- I want the DOOM PATROL! (and Titans too) Do what Marvel only ever teased and were never able to do with their Netflix shows and really show that it's all connected (even if they're a diff universe)
-- Finally give us The Batman on tv again! (how old will Mazouz be by then? He'll be free from Fox ...)