Welcome to the Comic Book Resources Forums, the internet’s largest independent set of comic book forums! If you haven’t read former site owner Jonah Weiland’s message on that subject do yourself a favor and check it out. We hope you desire to share in his vision and join us in celebrating comics and related media, talking about the latest genre news, reading and sharing opinions, having an all-around pleasant online experience and raising the standard of discussion!

That said, with this new standard comes new responsibilities, for both our users and our staff. If everyone meets this challenge head-on we will become a better community as a whole. We will show zero tolerance for intimidation and abuse for all members of the community, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identification. CBR and all areas of its website and operations will be a safe space for all people, of all levels of involvement. This new community will be one that celebrates everything great about being a fan! What you read, what you like, who you are, where you’re from, your gender, your sexual orientation - none of that matters. We value a diverse range of ideas, interests, view points, and backgrounds - because we all love comic books and everything to do with them!

Gone are the days of multiple warnings and temporary bans, so be on your best behavior. Those that haven’t attracted moderator attention in the past have nothing to fear, but familiarize yourself with the new rules to ensure you’re not in violation. Those that have caused problems take this warning to heart; we expect the rules to be followed and those who do not will find their stay at CBR short. Behavior that does not meet with this new standard will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with swiftly and severely. To reiterate: gone are the days of multiple warnings and multiple temp bans.

The new community standard, in its simplest form, is this: Would you act like this or say this if you were in someone else’s house? Keep that question in mind before you post, the answer should be pretty simple. Our mandate is to build a community that is safe for all - all races, all opinions, and all lifestyles. It will be inclusive, not exclusive. It will be a place where diversity is the norm, not the exception. It will be a place where new members can come in and feel welcomed!

Please take the time to read the CBR Community Standards & Rules posted below.