George Perez Wonder Woman was grounded in research--although a lot of that research was outdated, as I found out when I did archaeology and classical studies courses at university--but even though he was trying to do right by feminism and using feminist theories, the look of the Amazon world came from a male dominant culture. He borrowed a lot from ancient Greek and Roman design, by way of M.C. Escher, and he used a pantheon that is biased toward partiarchy. He didn't even incorporate Minoan design which had been more nature-based and wholistic.

If you look at the Patty Jenkins movie design, they asked themselves what if an all female society designed the environment--and they got away from the phallic designs and had more spirals. Amazons live on a island so their designs are influenced by maritme motifs.

If one extends that out to technology--instead of the dominant phallic shapes we see in our modern devices--the Amazons could have technology that is just as advanced but looks and works in different ways from what we know. This would give their world an exotic, mystical appearance--simply because it doesn't conform to the designs we're used to seeing in modern technology--but their designs could still be just as mathematical and heuristic as any of ours.