Quote Originally Posted by Couplest View Post
So after today’s HOX 5, with mutants seemingly “ending” death...gambit and rogue might feel it is “safe” enough to have kids now? And thus our conspiracy theories are officially hoxpox conspiracy theories. everyone does seem cultish, so in my ideal situation gambit and rogue are chilling outside of krakoa and getting the mutant insider no death info secondhand instead of also acting cultish unless there is a reason revealed why people seem kind of cultish? I dunno
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Yeah I know a LOT of X-fans are REALLY into this and I'm sincerely glad for them. I get it. The X-Men heroically saved the day for mutants and have ensured their own persoanl safe haven. It's logical for them to react this way and take these actions given Genosha, Decimation, the sentinel program, the vaccine, etc. Further they have defeated death and found a way to undo all the wrongful deaths done them. But I'm sorry, it STILL creeped the hell outta me and I have a hard time seeing either Rogue or Gambit drinking the Kool-Aid here. First, let's not forget Sinister is involved in all this and no way Remy trusts anything where he is involved. Why Cyke does baffles me. He seems really off. Maybe a copy of a copy isn't as sharp? Second, the X-Men are cutting themselves off from humanity entirely, isolating themselves to form their own exclusive society where we can assume humans basically aren't welcome. Because that has historically gone so well I guess? The majority of X-Men still have important ties to humanity - friends, family, and other close allies. They have been saviors of humanity throughout their existence despite the fear and hate. That's what made them noble. And several of the X-Men have been Avengers and fought for and with humanity including Rogue. (I can't help thinking of Rogue endlessly saving humans from rubble while a certain someone watches her in relative annoyance making his opinion of humanity crystal clear.) The Dream has always been to live peacefully WITH humans, not apart from them. To me it feels like the death of Xavier's Dream and giving in to Magneto's vision instead, even if done peaceably. I imagine R&G watching this all go down skeptically from the sidelines. But I do agree, knowing they don't have to really fight anymore and could have this safe haven available would possibly tip the scales toward a situation where having a family is more appealing to them ... if not for the Sinister of it all. Other than Apocalypse, have we seen any of the characters from the upcoming Excalibur in HoX/PoX? Are they potentially conscientious objectors of a sort? Also notably all of them except Romy were in AoXM.
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