Quote Originally Posted by anyajenkins View Post
Oh come on, she married him, how on earth is it an incredible stretch to believe she loves him after, ya know, she married him?
Wasn't trying to anger you, just stated my opinion. Rogue doesn't say "i love you" to him and it's not clear to fans who aren't heavy shippers how she expresses her love. That's just my opinion, the opinion of someone who isn't a hardcore shipper but has enjoyed reading about the pair in the past. As for marrying someone signifying that you 100% love them, I don't think I agree with that. Both sets of my grandparents divorced. One set said they rushed into marriage out of passion/lust but not out of a desire for long term commitment and love. The other set said they settled because they thought if they waited longer to meet somebody that felt more "right" they would never find them or be too old to have kids (in my grandmother's case). I was fortunate enough to not have this happen to my parents but it's definitely a sore spot for my mom and dad.