Quote Originally Posted by Digifiend View Post
I don't think that's true now.

Read Avengers/Champions: Worlds Collide (Avengers #672-674, Champions #13-15), Champions: Champion For a Day (Champions #16-18 - Viv is forced to embrace her emotions in these arcs after deliberately blocking them for months), Champions #22-23 (involving Man-Thing, who sees Viv's memories), and Avengers: No Road Home (where Vision gets philosophical and mentions Vin). I'm pretty sure both Vizh and Viv have done their grieving. They wouldn't want revenge.
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I've read much of that, but I think there's a significant difference between coming to terms with a family member's death and forgiving the other family member who killed them. I don't think anything happened in those books remarkable enough for me to buy the Vision, and Viv to be anything less than hostile towards Victor. Maybe not outright try to kill him, but I wouldn't buy them ever offering to help him. Accidentally or not, if I killed my nephew I'm not likely to have many of my family members on my side.

I could see Tony Stark or Jocasta helping if he reached out. Tony clearly feels guilty about sending Victor on the mission, and I would assume Jocasta would be more forgiving of her brother.
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Quote Originally Posted by Fokken View Post
Respectfully I disagree with the proposal that spoilers:
Victor is hesitant to ask for help from the Champions or Avengers because he's afraid of the being killed. Again. It makes no sense for him to be afraid of THAT but then resolve to kill himself . I'm officially in the camp of believers that something ELSE is up his sleeve....er... neck? Something's going on that he feels defeated and desperate and whatever's happening in that tub is his reluctant solution. And its not suicide
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Well I don't think it's fear of violence from the Visions that would stop Victor from seeking them out either. It's just that the inevitable hostility would make it a fruitless endeavor if he was aiming for their help. It would be a very easy way for Victor to get himself killed, but then he'd have to look his family in the eye again. Either way, I don't think Victor would see it as a good move if he would even consider it as a option.

But yeah, I don't feel like I have any reason to read this as anything besides a suicide attempt. Doesn't look like it will be successful, but we haven't been given a reason for Victor to know this would create a new body for himself. Or whatever is happening in that tub. We might get it next issue.
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