Quote Originally Posted by Crimz View Post
This weeks issue bummed me out, but at least Storm did something creative with her powers for once.
it bummed me out as well. I just knew with this issue after the cliffhanger the xmen were going to appeared unscathed protected by Jean's forcefields . but when that didnt happen I had no words. I felt so bad for everyone. mystique how she died hit me, cyclops telling Jean he wasnt going make it was really sad, seeing nightcrawler/Logan burning in flames just hurt but jeans death hit me the hardest for some reason. she seemed so afraid and overwhelmed by everything that happened. it was the perfect plan so it really bombed not seeing them be able to walk away from it unhurt.

now I'm ready for what ororo is about to unleash. she just got her family back and they all died right before her eyes again. there will be blood.