I'm just a casual comic book follower. I have a few characters I love (Superman, Cyclops, Spider-man, Tim Drake, Hal Jordan)and I check in on what's going on with them every now and then. I follow Cyclops the closest and I haven't really read any comics since he died. I got Uncanny Annual today and I loved it. I can see why Cyke fans might be split on the decision to have him he declare he was wrong, but I can live with it. When Cable talked about how the way he died just wasn't supposed to be the way he was supposed to go out, it felt like Marvel acknowledging they did Cyclops wrong. If they can acknowledge that, I can live with them also having Cyclops say he was wrong. He has an awesome direction for his character (fixing the X-men), he felt like such a hero in this issue. Young Cable was mostly really enjoyable. I'm really excited and optimistic for Cyclops moving forward. It looked so good to see that Astonishing costume back (though I still love the revolution costume)