Quote Originally Posted by Lirica View Post
I just looked up what Shiro looks like and yeah I can see the similarities like with the white streak. I don't understand it, though. Pretty much all of the fanart I've seen has the streak, but most comic panels do not. Where'd it come from?

I've heard it said that the YJ cartoon creators do stuff that could be thought of as coincidental, but is totally on purpose. I'm willing to believe getting Josh Keaton was on purpose too.

I've never seen this animated feature. Does Jason have a big role or is it a cameo? In either case, is the movie worth watching?

I forgot about Gotham by Gaslight too. lol I even own the movie.
Batman Ninja was made in Japan, with a lot of anime over the top aspects to it. And Jason does have a role, and quite the scene when he comes across Joker and Harley that fits him to a tee.

Really, the only character that is out of character is Damian (minus his love of animals).