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  1. #1201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eto View Post
    Aah yes, thank you. I'll check it out!
    My bad, by newer stuff I meant his comics in the last 10-20 years. I know, I should have been more clear.
    Anyways, I'll read it regardles, because this is current Namor and since this is written by Zdarsky, I have no doubt he'll deliver!
    In that case you need to check his series by John Byrne

    and his tenure in the Avengers by Roger Stern & John Buscema

  2. #1202
    Citizen of Atlantis ImperiusWrecked's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eto View Post
    Ooh you're right, but I want to read the "newer" stuff first.
    I'm a fan of Aquaman (I've only read N52 and Rebirth thus far) and I would like to see the differences /similarities between Atlantis/Atlanteans. Pretty interesting imo.
    Having read some Aquaman myself in the past and a bit of the N52 (mostly orm) I would say there is quite some difference especially in regards to the main characters of Namor and Aquaman who are nothing alike.

    For Silver Age Namor:

    - Tales to Astonish starting at #70
    - 1968 Sub-Mariner solo (classic Namor, highly rec to read, it includes Lady Dorma (Namor's first wife), and all of Namor's old cast and foes.

    For fun I suggest reading Super Villain Team up since it has Doctor Doom and Namor and they are just great entertainment, lol

    Bronze Age Namor aka the Avengers and Marrina arc:

    - - Alpha Flight (1983) #3-4, 12,14-16,35-40

    (Namor and Marrina (namor's second wife) get married in #40)

    - Avengers (1963) #262-270,272,282-293

    These comics intertwine with each other, since Namor was hoping around books in the 80's.

    1990's Namor:

    - The Saga of the Sub-Mariner (1988) 12 issues for a quick summary of all past events until 1990 (Highly rec if you chose not to read silver and bronze age)
    - 1990's Namor, the Sub-Mariner solo

    If you want some of my modern recs here they are, for a good starting point I suggest jumping in at a certain time since Namor has a very long history. For modern Namor, I would suggest starting at the end of civil war (first one) since its easier to follow along:

    - Wolverine (2003) #44-46 Wolverine hunts down Nitro, the man who did the explosion at Stamford and kicked off civil war and comes into conflict with Atlantis
    - Sub-Mariner (2007) a 6 issue mini series that happens after the first civil war where Namor had sided with Steve Rogers against Tony Stark
    - Marvel Comics Presents (2007) #7 Namor deals with his grief over the death of Namorita (who died at the beginning of Civil War)
    - Avengers/Invaders (2008) This is right after Marvel Comics Presents, The past Invaders travel the future, there is an issue where young namor and present namor face off.
    - Incredible Hercules #121-123 You meet Namora, Namor's cousin, and Hercules, Namor shows up for a guest cameo and it has Herc and Namor who are one of my fave bromance.

    At this point we get into the 2009's where the Dark Avengers and Dark X-Men start.

    - Dark Reign The Cabal (2009) #1 X-Men
    - Agents of Atlas (2009) #6-7
    - Uncanny X-Men (1963 annual 2 (released 2009)
    - Dark Avengers (2009) #6-7
    - Dark X-Men (2009) The Beginning #1 and 3

    Namor joins the X-Men

    - Uncanny X-Men (1963) #513-531
    - Nation X #4
    - Namor the First Mutant (2010) Namor's last solo series, very underated and only lasts 10 issues with a annual. For the annual it is split among three comics for the full story: Starts in Uncanny X-Men (1963) Annual 3 (released , then goes to Steve Rogers: Super Soldier Annual 1, then finishes in Namor the First Mutant Annual 1.
    - Fear Itself: The Deep, its somewhere around this timeline iirc
    - also Namor appears in Defenders (2012) series kinda throughout but issue #5 is very namor centric.
    - Uncanny X-Men (2012)

    After this its the AvX event and Phoenix Namor

    A lot of issues if you want read the whole thing then here is a LINK to a reading order. Fair warning Namor doesn't show up in everything.

    The we finally come to Hickman Era and the New Avengers

    This is very complicated and far too many issues, so I will LINK you to this reading order if you want to do the whole Hickman Era but for Namor I suggest just reading Illuminati comics and also New Avengers (2013) and onward.

    Finally we are here in the present, I suggest reading:

    - Defenders mini series, The Best Defense: Namor, is all Namor, the other three are the other Defenders, then one team up comic Defenders: The Best Defense
    - Invaders (2019) which is the current series. HIGHLY rec.

    Here is a chronological list LINK of every single Namor appearance since 1939 that you can use to cross reference the linked lists I gave you to find specific issues that only contain Namor in them. Simply click on the years you want to see which issues came out that month.

    Other Notable issues: Sub-Mariner 70th Anniversary, Captain America and Namor, Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #2-4, The Torch (2009)#4-5

    Other Notable series: The Invaders (1975), Defenders (1972), and Defenders (2005)

    part 1/3
    Last edited by ImperiusWrecked; 06-03-2019 at 10:09 AM.
    "No one should ever question where my allegiance lies." - Namor of Atlantis

  3. #1203
    Citizen of Atlantis ImperiusWrecked's Avatar
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    I know I'm missing alot of comics, and ties ins and cameos but I tried to keep to a main continuity and I hope this helps. This list is my work in progress to help newer fans get a reading order. The thing you need to remember about the main difference between Namor and Aquaman's worlds is that Aquaman has the better world building bc he has the Atlantis Chronicles, which explains the comic of the history of Atlantis.

    It is something that Namor does not have, however his world's history is very spread out through many many comics, and Namor's Atlantis is constantly blown up, because Marvel can't be arsed to actually give him a solo and commit to world building. So if you are looking for a History of Atlantis in one comic series for Namor it isn't there.

    This is a quick summary of Namor's Atlantis that I have collected over the years and still need to complete and update as I read over comics.

    A collection of information about Marvel Comic’s Atlantis.
    (Warning: I have not read every comic pertaining to Atlantis yet and as such I’m only gathering things I know.)

    The Gods, Goddesses, Creatures, and Relics:
    Neptune: The Holy Father. Atlantean Deity, an Olympian who has the power over the all the seas and its creatures. He is father to the Atlantean race (Homo Mermanus). He is also called Poseidon. Typically depicted as an old man with a beard and blue skin like the other Atlanteans. He wields his trident which has unimaginable magic power. The Atlanteans still revere and pray to him. Favors Namor and has on occasion protected and brought him back to life as well as sends him on quests. Has once said that Namor is his favorite son and always has his blessing.

    Cleito: The Holy Mother. Atlantean Deity, Mother of all things. Wife of Neptune. The pure essence of femaleness. Embodiment of Illusion, Ruler of the City of the Golden Gate (Pre-Cataclysm). Atlanteans pray to and revere her and she is said to be in all places all at once and knows what lies in the hearts of men. Has said that Namor is a child born of land and sea, that only he holds the power to accept the power of the Nexus Fragment. Has once said that Namor is her favorite son and that her blessing is always upon him.

    Cleito and Poseidon had five sets of twins who became the Ten Kings of Atlantis

    Evenor: Father of Cleito, Guardian of the City of the Golden Gate, Guardian of the temple of Cleito. Guardian of the Shroud of Cleito. Adviser to pilgrims who make the journey to the Lost Temple. Is depicted as a large terrifying sea creature whose head resembles that of a seahorse and has long clawed hands and glowing eyes.

    Set: The Demonic Serpent God, an Elder God and creator of the race of serpent men. Worshiped by Naga a leader of Lemeriuans who broke away from the main Lemurains. Is evil and wishes to control/rule the world in his image.

    The Scared Trident of Neptune: A magical Trident that grants the bearer the power over the seas. Is extremely powerful and contains great magic.

    The Shroud of Cleito: The Shroud contains Gems that are interwoven into the cloth. The destiny’s of all creatures are held in the gems and the woven into the fabric of the Shroud are the souls of all past and future King’s of Atlantis.

    The Amulet of Kings: A magical amulet that holds the souls of the past kings of Atlantis. It was used to transport Namor to Hell.

    Crown of Empire: The royal crown of the ruler of Atlantis.

    The Coral Throne: The royal throne of Atlantis.

    The Serpent Crown: Created by the Serpent men as a magical tool that would allow Set to be able to enter their world. Influences the wearer to the control of Set. Found by Naga and his followers.

    The Great Cataclysm: The Fall of Atlantis.

    After the Great Cataclysm:

    The Atlanteans: City dwellers who live in the various underwater cities in the oceans. Are often seen as the civilized ones compared to their more barbaric cousins who are more of a nomadic tribe usually lead by Attuma. There are varying stories as to how the Atlanteans came to be, some say they were always there a race of water breathers, some say that the wizards of Atlantis saw their continent sinking and used the last of their power to change their surviving people into water breathers. Atlanteans have blue skin, pointed ears, and gills on their necks. They come in varying shades of blue and some have more fish like features than others. Atlanteans also have mutants. They are a very proud race who respect the oceans, earth and all the creatures. They are susceptible to things that damage the environment, like pollution. They cannot survive out of water without a device to aid them. Devices such as water scarves, water tanks, magical pills/potions that will allow them to be able to breath air, etc. They are ruled by Namor the First.

    The Lemurians: A splinter group of Atlanteans who live in the pacific/Enemy of Atlanteans/they had their own land before it also sunk below the waves.

    Faceless Ones: Ancient tribe of subterranean underwater creatures. Often attacking Atlanteans.

    Aqueos: Underwater Vampires. Thought to be myth.

    Sirens: Atlanteans with the power to enchant their intended targets with song.

    The Logomancer: Atlantean with the power to guide the magic of Atlantis/the oceans through the King to aid Atlantis. Atlantis has scientist and magicians who use technology and magic together in harmony but only the Logomancer can use it on a large scale level and has the power to let the magic flow through the King.

    Trident Station: A building that is in the middle of the ocean where land dwellers can come to learn about and explore the history of Atlantis. It is meant to be a neutral meeting place for Atlanteans and Humans to work together in peace. (Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four #24)

    part 2/3
    "No one should ever question where my allegiance lies." - Namor of Atlantis

  4. #1204
    Citizen of Atlantis ImperiusWrecked's Avatar
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    The History:

    Before the Fall

    Atlantis was not one kingdom but ten. The ten kingdoms were ruled by ten kings. Atlantis was merely the capital kingdom. Within Atlantis there was a city called the Golden Gate. It was the apex of all the wonder and beauty. Before Atlantis sunk below the waves, the event was thereafter known as the Cataclysm, it was a wonder land filled with machines and technology far beyond any civilization of the time. It was a place where miracles were common place and where Magic and Technology were used together in perfect unison. Atlantis stood at the beginning of time and no place yet has ever come close to reaching the utopia and beauty of Atlantis.

    Not much is known of the Golden Age of Atlantis before the Cataclysm when it’s history was lost to time and the waves. (Man-Thing #7-8 1997)

    The Fall

    Different accounts of how Atlantis fell into the sea and the City of Atlantis rose:

    - There was a war between the Lemurians and the Atlanteans involving the Deviants and the Celestials. Shockwaves from a nuclear cataclysm caused Lemuria to sink into the sea along with Atlantis.

    - Poseidon reveals that the reason Atlantis fell was due to its own hubris. That the rulers of the past began to grow lazy and neglectful of the city and its people. Unwilling to even fight since they believed fighting was beneath them they hired the Amazons to fight for them. Rather than pay the Amazons their fee teh council of wizards chose to kill them all. This was an Atlantis that was far from the one that stood at the beginning of time, where people were happy and lived in peace, it is unknown how many centuries passed from the Golden Age of Atlantis to the pre-cataclysm but the nation suffered as it grew corrupt from the greed of the rulers. The wizards sought more power and attempted to remake the world in their image. The magic they unleashed was far too powerful for even them to control and it ripped the continent apart and The Empire of Atlantis fell into the sea. (The Incredible Hercules #123)

    What few wizards were left used their remaining magic to save the last of their race by turning them into water breathers. Over the centuries the lost and scattered people of the ocean came together to reform their nation this time in the south ocean near the south pole and the continent that is now called Antarctica. The City of Atlantis rose once more. Now ruled by a single Emperor or Empress. A descendant of Neptune’s royal blood.

    - Final account is that Homo Mermanus just appeared out of nowhere in the oceans/have always been in the oceans and merely settled from a nomadic lifestyle in the ruins of Atlantis and thus became the Atlanteans.

    Notable Past/Current Royalty of Atlantis:

    - The Ten Lost Kings/Queens (No one knows if the five sets of twins were all males, females, or half of each. Only that they were born of Cleito and Posiden and ruled the Ten Kingdoms of Atlantis in the golden age.)

    - King Kamuu and Queen Zartra, The last rulers of Atlantis before the Cataclysm

    - Empress Ritha, the only female Empress of Atlantis after it fell into the sea.

    - Emperor Thakorr, Father of Fen, Grandfather of Namor, Tyrant King of Atlantis.

    - Princess Fen, Daughter of Thakorr, Mother of Namor, Goddess of the Seals, the most beautiful Atlantean to ever live.

    - King Namor the First, Fen-Son, The Avenging Son, The Sub-Mariner, Lord of the Seven Seas and Emperor of the Deep.

    After Thakorr’s death it was said the only true King of Atlantis was the Sea-God Neptune and the current holder of the throne of Atlantis was his vessel on earth thus Namor went by the title of Prince out of respect to Lord Neptune since he is very close to his Atlantean faith.

    - Princess Namora, Aquaria Nautica Neptuna, the sea beauty, the sea goddess, cousin of Namor and granddaughter of Thakorr

    - Princess Namorita, Daughter of Namora, Great Granddaughter of Thakorr

    Phrases commonly used by Atlanteans:
    Imperius Rex!: A war cry typically uttered before battle. Mainly used by Namor.

    People who live on the Surface (typically used as an insult): Lung men/people, air-breathers, surfacers, surface people, air suckers, pink skins.

    Minnows: Small Atlantean children (generally babies)

    Curse words/exclamations of surprise: By Neptune’s: beard, trident, etc. By the swriling saragossa, By the seven secret seas. etc.

    Other Things:

    Neptune Net: A large net that is pushed by dozens of Atlanteans to capture great amounts of fish.

    Market: Atlanteans are seen to barter their goods and services, they have no use or need of land money. However Namor knows locations of many sunken ships and vessels that contain jewels and treasures from the past. Atlantis it is a hunter/gatherer/fishing/farming community with bartering instead of monetary exchange. There seems to be no sign of poverty or homelessness, the king takes care of his people and ensures that they need for nothing.

    School: The Royal Atlantean Academy teaches the students about everything from magic to science to the history of Atlantis and more.

    Police Force: The Atlantean Guards are the main police force, city guards and palace guards. Head of Security is usually Andromeda.

    Tridents/Trident Team: A specialized team of warriors.

    A few enemies of Namor:

    - Attuma the Barbarian: Leader of the Trench Tribes, often attempts to usurp Namor
    - Warlord Krang: Often tries to Usurp Namor
    - Llyra the Lemurian: Namor's Arch Enemy, Sorceress, half human, half lemurian, the worst of the worst around, killed/harmed alot of Namor's loved ones.
    - Witch-queen Artys-Gran, and her husband Suma-Ket, a pagan sorcerer-king

    part 3/3
    "No one should ever question where my allegiance lies." - Namor of Atlantis

  5. #1205
    Marvel's 1st Superhero Reviresco's Avatar
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    Some people have been busy.
    Namor the Sub-Mariner, Marvel's oldest character, will have been published for 85 years in 2024. So where's my GOOD Namor anniversary ongoing, Marvel?

  6. #1206
    Marvel's 1st Superhero Reviresco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reviresco View Post
    Thanks! This week has definitely been hectic. O_O

    Interesting ... though, I'm a bit surprised. I'm not a Liefield fan, so I hadn't even looked at those. Can't say I'm really feeling Old Man Namor. Do we know anything else about the kids? Like who is their mom? I'm trying to remember who has white hair?

    I'm also a bit confused about why this "creator" couldn't have created a place that had clean oceans??

    Ha! Even Bleeding Cool is asking WHY didn't he just creator clean water. LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by ImperiusWrecked View Post
    This comic seems to be set either in the future or an au verse, I haven't bothered reading more than two issues though. Here is a few scans from issue 2 with the kids, and they talk a bit more in another panel but thats about it. Seems like the old earth or world was abandoned? They all moved to this new one where things were ok before it all went bad. Old man Namor is just Namor with white hair He still has abs of steel. lol, I don't know, it doesn't seem like the Atlanteans play much of a role here except for them to say how the oceans are going bad and for Major X to remind them of their place when they get angry. But I can't really judge cause I haven't read more and I feel no need to unless I get more of the twins (I'm calling them twins bc I don't know that they are not) Writer is Liefeld but Brent Peeples is penciling the interior:

    It's not making a lot of sense, but like you, I haven't really read it.

    I'm still wondering about the white hair though. Like the only white haired person who interacts with Namor that comes to my mind is .... Pietro. O_O
    Last edited by Reviresco; 06-03-2019 at 10:35 AM.
    Namor the Sub-Mariner, Marvel's oldest character, will have been published for 85 years in 2024. So where's my GOOD Namor anniversary ongoing, Marvel?

  7. #1207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reviresco View Post
    I'm still wondering about the white hair though. Like the only white haired person who interacts with Namor that comes to my mind is .... Pietro. O_O
    You are forgetting the obvious answer: Emma Frost!!!

    Last edited by Thor-El; 06-03-2019 at 11:38 AM.

  8. #1208
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    It looks like he wields the power of Neptune's trident, hydrokinesis, and some kind of electricity and if he doesn't scream Imperius Rex I'm suing! I can't wait for this to come out.

    edit: looks like electric eels and also i was just reminded that Contest of Champions characters don't have voices. I honestly forgot cause I haven't played it in a long while.

    edit (so i dont keep taking up post space)

    Quote Originally Posted by Reviresco View Post
    Ha! Even Bleeding Cool is asking WHY didn't he just creator clean water. LOL!

    It's not making a lot of sense, but like you, I haven't really read it.

    I'm still wondering about the white hair though. Like the only white haired person who interacts with Namor that comes to my mind is .... Pietro. O_O
    LOL looks like Liefeld's new character needs some tweaking. Seriously if they wanted a clean world then why didn't they just take care of the one they had? oh well. LOL yes pietro has white hair and also Ororo and Namor were together in one au, but these kids have blue skin so its more likely its gonna be another unnamed female atlantean cause if anyone at Marvel ever tried to actually flesh out side Atlantean characters instead of using them and throwing them away then it's a sign of the end of the world surely *rolls eyes*.
    Last edited by ImperiusWrecked; 06-03-2019 at 12:18 PM.
    "No one should ever question where my allegiance lies." - Namor of Atlantis

  9. #1209
    Citizen of Atlantis ImperiusWrecked's Avatar
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    Carlos Magno just did an awesome Namor art on his twitter

    and he posted a speed painting of it
    "No one should ever question where my allegiance lies." - Namor of Atlantis

  10. #1210


    Quote Originally Posted by Reviresco View Post
    Ha! Even Bleeding Cool is asking WHY didn't he just creator clean water. LOL!

    It's not making a lot of sense, but like you, I haven't really read it.

    I'm still wondering about the white hair though. Like the only white haired person who interacts with Namor that comes to my mind is .... Pietro. O_O
    Bloodtide has blue skin and white hair. of course she looks a lot differently now.

    Last edited by Michael Watkins; 06-03-2019 at 12:19 PM.

  11. #1211
    Marvel's 1st Superhero Reviresco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImperiusWrecked View Post

    It looks like he wields the power of Neptune's trident, hydrokinesis, and some kind of electricity and if he doesn't scream Imperius Rex I'm suing! I can't wait for this to come out.

    edit: looks like electric eels and also i was just reminded that Contest of Champions characters don't have voices. I honestly forgot cause I haven't played it in a long while.

    edit (so i dont keep taking up post space)

    Is that a thing? Taking up post space? Uhn oh. :P

    I watched this like FIVE times in a row. It was so awesome! I have no time to play this game! But wow! WOW!
    Namor the Sub-Mariner, Marvel's oldest character, will have been published for 85 years in 2024. So where's my GOOD Namor anniversary ongoing, Marvel?

  12. #1212
    Marvel's 1st Superhero Reviresco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImperiusWrecked View Post
    Carlos Magno just did an awesome Namor art on his twitter

    and he posted a speed painting of it
    This was lovely! Thanks for posting it.

    In some ways, I like this looser brush work better than all the detailed inkwork ... at least for the people. I LOVE all his details on the scenery and the oceanscape. He does such amazing work.
    Namor the Sub-Mariner, Marvel's oldest character, will have been published for 85 years in 2024. So where's my GOOD Namor anniversary ongoing, Marvel?

  13. #1213
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImperiusWrecked View Post

    It looks like he wields the power of Neptune's trident, hydrokinesis, and some kind of electricity and if he doesn't scream Imperius Rex I'm suing! I can't wait for this to come out.
    This is pretty cool I also like that they modified the tasty freeze hair in the game to his usual cut.

  14. #1214
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImperiusWrecked View Post
    The History:

    Before the Fall

    Atlantis was not one kingdom but ten. The ten kingdoms were ruled by ten kings. Atlantis was merely the capital kingdom. Within Atlantis there was a city called the Golden Gate. It was the apex of all the wonder and beauty. Before Atlantis sunk below the waves, the event was thereafter known as the Cataclysm, it was a wonder land filled with machines and technology far beyond any civilization of the time. It was a place where miracles were common place and where Magic and Technology were used together in perfect unison. Atlantis stood at the beginning of time and no place yet has ever come close to reaching the utopia and beauty of Atlantis.

    Not much is known of the Golden Age of Atlantis before the Cataclysm when it’s history was lost to time and the waves. (Man-Thing #7-8 1997)

    The Fall

    Different accounts of how Atlantis fell into the sea and the City of Atlantis rose:

    - There was a war between the Lemurians and the Atlanteans involving the Deviants and the Celestials. Shockwaves from a nuclear cataclysm caused Lemuria to sink into the sea along with Atlantis.

    - Poseidon reveals that the reason Atlantis fell was due to its own hubris. That the rulers of the past began to grow lazy and neglectful of the city and its people. Unwilling to even fight since they believed fighting was beneath them they hired the Amazons to fight for them. Rather than pay the Amazons their fee teh council of wizards chose to kill them all. This was an Atlantis that was far from the one that stood at the beginning of time, where people were happy and lived in peace, it is unknown how many centuries passed from the Golden Age of Atlantis to the pre-cataclysm but the nation suffered as it grew corrupt from the greed of the rulers. The wizards sought more power and attempted to remake the world in their image. The magic they unleashed was far too powerful for even them to control and it ripped the continent apart and The Empire of Atlantis fell into the sea. (The Incredible Hercules #123)

    What few wizards were left used their remaining magic to save the last of their race by turning them into water breathers. Over the centuries the lost and scattered people of the ocean came together to reform their nation this time in the south ocean near the south pole and the continent that is now called Antarctica. The City of Atlantis rose once more. Now ruled by a single Emperor or Empress. A descendant of Neptune’s royal blood.

    - Final account is that Homo Mermanus just appeared out of nowhere in the oceans/have always been in the oceans and merely settled from a nomadic lifestyle in the ruins of Atlantis and thus became the Atlanteans.

    Notable Past/Current Royalty of Atlantis:

    - The Ten Lost Kings/Queens (No one knows if the five sets of twins were all males, females, or half of each. Only that they were born of Cleito and Posiden and ruled the Ten Kingdoms of Atlantis in the golden age.)

    - King Kamuu and Queen Zartra, The last rulers of Atlantis before the Cataclysm

    - Empress Ritha, the only female Empress of Atlantis after it fell into the sea.

    - Emperor Thakorr, Father of Fen, Grandfather of Namor, Tyrant King of Atlantis.

    - Princess Fen, Daughter of Thakorr, Mother of Namor, Goddess of the Seals, the most beautiful Atlantean to ever live.

    - King Namor the First, Fen-Son, The Avenging Son, The Sub-Mariner, Lord of the Seven Seas and Emperor of the Deep.

    After Thakorr’s death it was said the only true King of Atlantis was the Sea-God Neptune and the current holder of the throne of Atlantis was his vessel on earth thus Namor went by the title of Prince out of respect to Lord Neptune since he is very close to his Atlantean faith.

    - Princess Namora, Aquaria Nautica Neptuna, the sea beauty, the sea goddess, cousin of Namor and granddaughter of Thakorr

    - Princess Namorita, Daughter of Namora, Great Granddaughter of Thakorr

    Phrases commonly used by Atlanteans:
    Imperius Rex!: A war cry typically uttered before battle. Mainly used by Namor.

    People who live on the Surface (typically used as an insult): Lung men/people, air-breathers, surfacers, surface people, air suckers, pink skins.

    Minnows: Small Atlantean children (generally babies)

    Curse words/exclamations of surprise: By Neptune’s: beard, trident, etc. By the swriling saragossa, By the seven secret seas. etc.

    Other Things:

    Neptune Net: A large net that is pushed by dozens of Atlanteans to capture great amounts of fish.

    Market: Atlanteans are seen to barter their goods and services, they have no use or need of land money. However Namor knows locations of many sunken ships and vessels that contain jewels and treasures from the past. Atlantis it is a hunter/gatherer/fishing/farming community with bartering instead of monetary exchange. There seems to be no sign of poverty or homelessness, the king takes care of his people and ensures that they need for nothing.

    School: The Royal Atlantean Academy teaches the students about everything from magic to science to the history of Atlantis and more.

    Police Force: The Atlantean Guards are the main police force, city guards and palace guards. Head of Security is usually Andromeda.

    Tridents/Trident Team: A specialized team of warriors.

    A few enemies of Namor:

    - Attuma the Barbarian: Leader of the Trench Tribes, often attempts to usurp Namor
    - Warlord Krang: Often tries to Usurp Namor
    - Llyra the Lemurian: Namor's Arch Enemy, Sorceress, half human, half lemurian, the worst of the worst around, killed/harmed alot of Namor's loved ones.
    - Witch-queen Artys-Gran, and her husband Suma-Ket, a pagan sorcerer-king

    part 3/3
    Impressive write up IW, now it needs some pictures to give it that finishing touch!

  15. #1215
    Mighty Member Doombot's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by ImperiusWrecked View Post

    It looks like he wields the power of Neptune's trident, hydrokinesis, and some kind of electricity and if he doesn't scream Imperius Rex I'm suing! I can't wait for this to come out.

    edit: looks like electric eels and also i was just reminded that Contest of Champions characters don't have voices. I honestly forgot cause I haven't played it in a long while.

    edit (so i dont keep taking up post space)
    I hate that costume, but at least they gave him the proper trident, which even comic artists only seem to do half the time.

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