Quote Originally Posted by Crimz View Post
She can get angry and more forceful when the villain really pisses her off, but her morals are pretty much still the same and I like that. A problem I have is that too many characters are doing the anti-hero, morally grey thing. It's nice to still have heroes who are more "goody two shoes" and the interesting thing in their stories is them trying to maintain their morality in a increasingly grey world.
I agree. Sue is a good person. I like the fact she is sometimes written with a less than pristine vocabulary. I also like to see her with a love for pop culture. I like to put that as having a it of a white trash streak in her. Nothing drastic, but something to humanize her and to occasionally shift her from the Soccer Mom mode to "did she just do that?"

In my years of volunteer service, I've met many mothers who brought their sons to activities and events I was invoved in and expected me to be somewhat appropriate. Parents also usually behave at these things, but in settings where they don't need to be in mommy-mode, we see other traits pop out. Let Sue get pissed off. Let her occasionaly swear.

For those of you who read Tom King's Mister Miracle series, Barda laid into Scott with some comic book style *&%$&^$ words. Do we really expect Reed to have gotten by without Sue dropping an f-bomb on him? Sue's human and needs to fleshed out as one.