On the Age of X-Man side of things, still no art previews for NextGen but we are seeing some world building from Zac and Lonnie:

Marvel.com: How will the students of the Summers Institute prepare to carry the torch in a time of peace?

Zac Thompson: The students in this world are sent to the Summers Institute, a boarding school in AoXM, where they must pick a major and define a career path as a working mutant in society. Some will go on to graduate and become X-Men, while others strive to be doctors, police, or farmers.

Lonnie Nadler: The students play a vital role here because they are the future. The students are the people past generations sacrificed their lives for in order to give them a chance at a better world. But oftentimes, it’s hard for the students to respect the past, and vice versa.
Could either go terribly wrong or alright.