Quote Originally Posted by Digifiend View Post
It's obvious that a new YA won't have Hulkling, there's clearly other plans for him. And Wiccan's already on the Strikeforce team.

Even if BC is right, you're going to be disappointed. I actually think they're wrong - YA might happen, but if so, I don't think it's replacing Champions. The Incoming teaser promises a "titanic divide" for the Champs. Could be they split in two, one team keeps the Champions name, but a few members go off, maybe team up with Kate, Cassie, and America, and form a new YA - in other words, they both relaunch. Incoming's meant to be a launchpad for 2020's storylines.

I've always believed there's room for both - DC had Titans and Teen Titans, and now Young Justice and Teen Titans, after all. If they can have two teen superhero teams, why can't Marvel?
Yeah, sure. I bet it's also gonna have that Rashaun guy as the leader LOL. Sorry, but your takes are just so bad.

Being in another book has never stopped anyone at Marvel. Billy can be on Strikeforce and Young Avengers at the same time. And we don't even know what is gonna happen to Hulkling. I don't think Marvel would be dense enough to make Young Avengers without them.