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  1. #706
    Astonishing Member
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  2. #707
    Fantastic Member Supergirl's Pal's Avatar
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    Happy 40th Anniversary Jen! You don't look a day older than 29!

  3. #708
    Keeper of the Torch Ravin' Ray's Avatar
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    CBR is raising the possibility of Ruffalo's Hulk appearing in the Disney+ She-Hulk series.
    Human Torch/Fantastic Four/She-Hulk/Disney Big Hero 6 /Tangled/G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero/Transformers G1 fanatic, Avatar-maker, and Marvel Moderator
    "一人じゃないから。" AI、『Story』。
    "ヒロ、お前を信じてる。" タダシ、『ベイマックス』。
    "You were my my new dream." "And you were mine." Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzel.
    "Knowing is half the battle."
    G.I. Joe.
    Know the CBR Community STANDARDS & RULES

  4. #709
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ravin' Ray View Post
    CBR is raising the possibility of Ruffalo's Hulk appearing in the Disney+ She-Hulk series.
    It feels like he kind of has to.

  5. #710
    Keeper of the Torch Ravin' Ray's Avatar
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    Human Torch/Fantastic Four/She-Hulk/Disney Big Hero 6 /Tangled/G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero/Transformers G1 fanatic, Avatar-maker, and Marvel Moderator
    "一人じゃないから。" AI、『Story』。
    "ヒロ、お前を信じてる。" タダシ、『ベイマックス』。
    "You were my my new dream." "And you were mine." Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzel.
    "Knowing is half the battle."
    G.I. Joe.
    Know the CBR Community STANDARDS & RULES

  6. #711
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    The latest immortal Hulk seems to imply strongly that Jen's savage side might actually be a side-effect of getting gamma directly from Bruce. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  7. #712
    Keeper of the Torch Ravin' Ray's Avatar
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    Here's a follow-up on Hulk appearing in She-Hulk:

    Mark Ruffalo Meeting with Kevin Feige About She-Hulk Role

    Original interview is on
    Human Torch/Fantastic Four/She-Hulk/Disney Big Hero 6 /Tangled/G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero/Transformers G1 fanatic, Avatar-maker, and Marvel Moderator
    "一人じゃないから。" AI、『Story』。
    "ヒロ、お前を信じてる。" タダシ、『ベイマックス』。
    "You were my my new dream." "And you were mine." Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzel.
    "Knowing is half the battle."
    G.I. Joe.
    Know the CBR Community STANDARDS & RULES

  8. #713
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
    The latest immortal Hulk seems to imply strongly that Jen's savage side might actually be a side-effect of getting gamma directly from Bruce.
    i mean duh..

    we've seen jen go savage when exposed to higher amounts of gamma radiation

  9. #714
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    Marvel Studios


    Fantastic Four #272 Nov 1984
    "Cowboys and Idioms"
    Having discovered a time platform in the laboratory of Reed Richards' long lost father,
    the Fantastic Four and Wyatt Wingfoot have decided to use the device to try and search for him.
    After the final preparations are made, Reed has the family butler -- Giles Peacock -- activate the device

    and the group are transported sideways in time to a parallel universe where Reed believes his father may have been lost.
    The group materializes in a strange desert where they spot what appears to be
    a town patterned after an old town of the American Frontier surrounded by bombed out craters.
    Seeking to learn more about this mystery, Reed sends Sue to do reconnaissance while invisible,
    stressing to her that it is important that she goes unseen until they can learn more about where they are.
    As Sue makes her way to the town she wishes her husband would stop treating her like she is delicate.
    Examining the blast craters she notes that they are quite old.
    Once she reaches the town she turns invisible and remarks about how it looks like Dodge City circa 1884.
    As she looks around, she suddenly witnesses a cowboy being thrown out of one of the buildings.
    This cowboy, dubbed the Kid, is being challenged to a draw by the local outlaw Bret Colby.
    As they prepare to draw, Sue decides to step in as she does not want there to be unnecessary bloodshed.
    When the two gun fighters draw, Sue puts up an invisible wall between them.
    She is surprised to find that they are not carrying six-shooters but high tech weapons of some future time.
    Colby, using a heat-seeking bullet, watches as his shot leaps over the invisible wall and strikes the Kid in the back, killing him instantly.

    Realizing that something was interfering with his fight, Colby begins to look around.
    Unable to see any trace of anything he decides to use the infrared scanner on his gun.
    Sue tries to stop him by turning it invisible, but Colby can still figure out how to fire the weapon and begins firing it in her general direction.
    With her cover blown, Sue erects an invisible shield around her and makes herself visible so she can barrel through Colby and run out of town.
    As Sue gets out of town she is suddenly surrounded by three of Colby's men, riding rocket powered robot horses.
    Seeing that Sue is in trouble the rest of the Fantastic Four leap to her aid,
    She-Hulk belting out the Thing's old battle cry of "It's Clobberin' Time".
    The Fantastic Four make short work of the three cowboys and their mechanical steeds.

    As Sue tries to explain what happened, the group is then attacked by a massive tripod device
    resembling the martian ships from H.G. Wells' novel War of the Worlds. The device stomps on She-Hulk
    and when Johnny tries to use his flames to free her, is manages to cover him in particles of carbon, snuffing out his flame.
    As the tripod begins to move, Sue notices that She-Hulk has punched
    a hole into the robot's foot and is smashing her way up the inside of its leg.
    With the leg trashed, the tripod topples over in a heap.

    She-Hulk then bursts out and liberates the masked pilots inside.

    By this point, Bret Colby and his men have arrived on the scene who
    explains that he attacked Sue because he thought they were with the Warlord.
    When Reed tells them that they are not with the warlord, Reed introduces himself.
    This causes a startle with Colby and one of his men, who believes that Warlord is a Richards.
    Wondering if Reed is family to the Warlord, they decide to try to use the situation to their advantage.
    Meanwhile, She-Hulk unmasks their attackers and they are shocked
    to discover that they are nothing more than cave-men in high tech armor.
    Reed explains that these throwbacks of humanity are controlled by neurological devices in their helmets.
    As Reed muses over the bizarre mishmash world they have found themselves on,
    the Fantastic Four are unaware that they are being monitored from afar.

    When one of the guards monitoring the course of events, asks his mistress if they should inform
    their ruler of what is transpiring, the woman tells the guard that she will bring the news herself.
    The hard faced woman then has her servants remove the armor she is wearing and dresses her in a fine gown.
    It is a softer, gentler woman who then enters the chambers of her husband
    and son to bring news to the ruler of this society... Nathaniel Richards, Reed's father.

    Story & art by John Byrne.

  10. #715

  11. #716
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    Sensational She-Hulk #7 Nov 1989
    "I Have No Mouth and I Am Mean!"
    She-Hulk and the others confront Xemnu! Mary wants to know where U.S. is, so Xemnu pulls him
    and Retread out of the truck and tosses them back to her. Mary rushes to check on her husband.
    U.S. is groggy, but once he recognizes Mary he warns her that Xemnu is here for their baby!
    Jen hears that and remembers that Xemnu's agenda has always been kidnapping children to repopulate his world.
    Xemnu says that his past attempts have been unsuccessful because children are already
    too bonded to their humanity... so he now plans to begin manipulating the child before it is even born!

    She-Hulk and Razorback charge forward to stop him, but Xemnu uses his hypnotic zap to render all the humans unconscious.

    Jennifer dreams that she is in a mythical paradise, with flying unicorns and dancing centaurs.
    She hears a trumpet, and turns to see her hero approaching on a white horse.
    She rushes over to him and takes off his helmet... it is Hercules! The two of them start to kiss passionately...

    Then Jennifer wakes up, hanging upside down from the ceiling, along with Xemnu's other captives.
    They are trapped inside Poppa Wheelie's garage, which Xemnu has converted for his purposes.
    He has strapped Mary into a machine, which will allow him to reshape the
    genetic structure of her unborn baby, turning it into a member of his species.
    The others quickly fill Jen in on what's happened while she was sleeping.
    Some of the Star Stop's other customers tried to help them, but Xemnu zapped them all too.
    Razorback has tried to free himself from the ropes, but every time Xemnu just zaps him again.
    They figure he hit She-Hulk with an extra powerful zap, since she is so much more powerful.

    She-Hulk snaps free of the ropes, and then somersaults up behind Xemnu

    and clobbers him from behind before he has a chance to realize she's free!
    She tells Razorback to free himself and the others, while she presses her advantage on Xemnu!
    Jen punches the Titan through a wall, but as she rushes out after him, he has enough time to recover.
    He zaps her unconscious again before she can reach him.

    When She-Hulk wakes up, she discovers she has been partly transformed into one of Xemnu's species!
    He informs her that Razorback destroyed the equipment he was using on Mary Archer, so this is his back up plan.
    He is going to transform She-Hulk so that she can become the bride of Xemnu!
    He is just about to throw the switch to finish the process when he discovers that he is surrounded by a fleet of ships!

    Soon, Jen has been restored to normal, thanks to Al the alien and his wife.
    Al says that she doesn't seem to be glad to have been rescued.
    She-Hulk says that it isn't that, but that she is still hurting from the laserolosis that his wife gave her.
    She asks him if he is certain that it is permanent. Al says that it is.
    Razorback and U.S. tell her that after Xemnu had knocked her out again,
    he jumped back into Archer's star rig and took off before they could follow.
    However, Al and his convoy were already coming in response to the distress signal
    U.S. sent out when they ran into Xemnu in the first place, and they came to rescue her.
    Al assures Jen that Xemnu is harmless now since they are using a hypno-damper to prevent him from using his powers.
    Jen says she can't help feeling a little bit sorry for Xemnu since his whole motive is that he doesn't want to be lonely anymore.
    That gives Poppa Wheelie an idea, and he asks Annie if Big Enilwen is around.
    Annie figures out what Poppa is thinking, and says that is a great idea.

    She goes to find Big Enilwen, a giant, child-like alien who collects teddy bears.
    She tells him that they have a present for him--Xemnu!
    Enilwen excitedly grabs his new "teddy bear" and gives it a big hug, promising to love him forever!
    When Jen comments on how weird it is that there is a giant alien who collects teddy bears,
    Poppa tells her it gets even weirder--the teddy bear is the most common toy in the galaxy!
    Apparently, even planets that don't have bears have teddy bears. Jen figures this is
    a tidy solution--Xemnu is no longer a threat, and he will no longer be lonely, whether he likes it or not.

    Now she just has one more loose end to tie up--Razorback and Taryn.
    Buford tells her that he is ready to face whatever punishment is coming for having hijacked the Starblazer.
    Jennifer gets on the comm-system and contacts Dr. DeWitt at NASA and explains the whole story.

    DeWitt says that although Buford and Taryn weren't authorized to take the ship,
    they have given it a better shakedown cruise than they hoped for.
    She says that she is prepared to waive the criminal charges--and offers Buford a job,
    to continue piloting the Starblazer into unexplored space for NASA!
    Buford is delighted to accept the offer...and Taryn leaps into his arms, saying how proud she is of him.
    The two of them begin to kiss, and Jennifer leaves to give them some privacy.

    Two days later, Razorback and Taryn prepare to depart in the Starblazer, which has been given a new paint job as the Big Pig III.
    Taryn makes her goodbyes to her old friends, and Razorback thanks She-Hulk for all her help. Then the two of them take off into space.
    As she watches them go, She-Hulk suddenly realizes--how is she supposed to get home?!
    U.S. tells her they have already taken care of that. He takes her into the garage,
    where he and Al have souped up a green '59 Dodge which has been specially modified to fly her back to Earth.
    Al says that it is only capable of the one interstellar flight, and after that it will function as a flying car.
    Jen is pleasantly surprised, and thanks them both. U.S. says that it is just their way of saying thanks for all her help.
    He then takes her back to the house, since Mary wants to make sure Jen gets a good meal before flying home.

    Back on Earth, a short, white-haired man named Nick St. Christopher comes to Weezi's desk, asking to see Jennifer.

    Story by John Byrne, Art by John Byrne and Bob Wiacek

  12. #717
    Keeper of the Torch Ravin' Ray's Avatar
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    Human Torch/Fantastic Four/She-Hulk/Disney Big Hero 6 /Tangled/G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero/Transformers G1 fanatic, Avatar-maker, and Marvel Moderator
    "一人じゃないから。" AI、『Story』。
    "ヒロ、お前を信じてる。" タダシ、『ベイマックス』。
    "You were my my new dream." "And you were mine." Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzel.
    "Knowing is half the battle."
    G.I. Joe.
    Know the CBR Community STANDARDS & RULES

  13. #718
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Xemnu's actually coming back in Immortal Hulk soon. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  14. #719
    Astonishing Member Electricmastro's Avatar
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    Classic art by Kieron Dwyer from Avengers Annual #18 (October, 1989).

  15. #720
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Electricmastro View Post
    Classic art by Kieron Dwyer from Avengers Annual #18 (October, 1989).

    Jennifer Walters' hair color has gotten a lot darker since then.

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