I'm still dying from that Dark Elf joke.

This was probably the best team we've had in this event so far. Punisher kind of feels out of place, the writer is trying to do that whole Batman vibe thing like he's better than the rest. If they toned down that a lot and kind of gave him a backseat to the others because frankly, he isn't on par with anyone else on the team I think it would flow a little better. You could still give Frank his moments if you want him on the book, but this is really out of his element, unlike the other characters.

I guess Jen has never interacted with Blade before.

I thought She-Hulks interactions (because she's like a different consciousness at this point) was priceless.

If She-Hulk was in her more traditional form she should probably be the leader of this team after Thor's mom. You could go Blade if you wanted to hype up his supernatural expertise and experience I guess.