I wasn't expecting Loki in Thor today (though, in retrospect, the compare and contrast with Laufey and Odin made sense). I'd say Loki and Thor need to have a beer together, but they're not on good terms, either Both of them had such a horrible interaction with their (presumed?) bio-dads, with both of them basically disowning their respective sons.

I was happy, then face-palmed, then happy again about Loki and the frog. Like, yay for not killing someone! And then I immediately thought, wow, Loki, you are a terrible deep cover agent. That is where you choose to blow your cover? Really ? From a story standpoint, however, it really emphasizes where Loki is at--in fact, this issue saw him refuse to murder someone despite the consequences (getting kicked out of Jotunheim and thus Sanctuary), then pretty much declare war on Malekith.

I'm pretty sure he's now out of Malekith's club. I mean, that's what I would normally interpret ordering an assassination as. I'm not worried about Loki -- as far as I could see, those were just dark elf mooks, no one said they were anything special. So, unless I missed something, I think Malekith is seriously underestimating Loki.

We've seen a lot of solicits about Thor being trapped in Jotunheim (and heroes having to go rescue him), and I really hope Loki's part of that, especially if the father referenced in that solicit is Laufey. From a story standpoint, this might be difficult (not invalidating the team going to rescue Thor), but if he manages to get Thor free and they're fighting all of Jotunheim, they could still use backup. Either that or he's in NYC, but I think Jotunheim is more likely. Maybe? That is basically the only issue (the Thor one) where he's been in the solicits, afaik. I still think his role is under wraps and he's going to help, but the secrecy makes it hard to piece together.