I think in order to fix Sabretooth at the moment he needs a little more depth. I think he needs a berserker rage upgrade like the Hulk, and he needs to be more of a black ops schemer.

If I had a chance to reboot Sabretooth, I'd say he's been locked up in one of Sinister's Labs for the last couple decades, and Sinister has been using him to make a clone army of Marauders over the years. Just like the countless Marauder clone labs that Magneto took out in his solo. And that he might have the strongest healing factor among the mutants and he's the mutant Sinister used to give himself his crazy powerful healing factor. Someone stumbles upon him and releases him. Turns out that most of the clones turned feral because of Sabretooth's secondary mutation. That when Sabretooth falls into bloodlust he loses his focus and intellect, but gains a huge strength increase Hulk style, though not quite as powerful. He's supposed to be a 10 to 20 tonner already, perhaps his rage form increases that to 40 tons or so. This will give him a 1 up on Wolverine, and make him a villain the X-Men might have to work together to stop. When he's not raging out though, make him a tactical mercenary I'd say similar to Deathstroke. He spent years with Department H and Weapon X, surely he walked away with something. Its been said in the comics that Sabretooth is one of the most trained fighters on the planet, yet rarely do writers show that. I think he'd be great with that Jackyll and Hyde problem in the background, wanting to give in to his killer instincts, but keeping them in check, cause he knows brains beats brawn.