Quote Originally Posted by byrd156 View Post
Garth so far has more of an edge when it comes to dialogue. Not necessarily power like he was depicted in Titans Hunt where he was basically a meat-head. Garth is the power house of the sidekicks right now, basically the prince of Atlantis at 14-16 years old, and now Tula and Him have gotten together. That's gonna change anyone, that's one hell of a confidence boost. How I have my current direction for Garth is goes from normal heroic Garth trying to become an Atlantean sorcerer when he helps Aquaman and becomes Aqualad. I want him to feel like he made it, his life's goal was reached and now he's reaping the rewards. This complacency is Garth's hurdle to deal with. Realizing that just being Aqualad following Aquaman isn't the answer and that the battle is never ending. Garth will be be one of the first to really want the team as a way to grow beyond. This is a very important story beat that I want to keep with the team.
OK that is pretty cool. You are giving him challenges without actually altering Garth's personality, background or any other fundamentals. A mistake a lot of "pro" writers make.

Nice job.

Quote Originally Posted by byrd156 View Post
My Garth shirt has got some milage to it if you can't tell. His hands and legs are gone.

Lol. Looks pretty cool. Now I want a Garth shirt too to add to my collection.

I'm sure it's not east to come by his merchendise.