Quote Originally Posted by The_Sneezing_Stormtrooper View Post
Anyone else excited for Barry to finally get the year one treatment? What are you hoping to see covered?

I'm hoping for early battles with Captain Cold and Mirror Master and some Jay Garrick love. Maybe even some sort of Flash of Two Worlds adaptation for the finale.
I don't know if they'll be able to incorporate Jay, but I'd like to see:

- Less mulling over on Barry's dead mom and imprisoned father and more Barry Allen becoming the idealistic and optimistic hero, The Flash.

- Building up the Rogues, especially Captain Cold.

- A fight with the Turtle, maybe?

- Focusing on the start of Barry's relationship with Iris.

- A Wally appearance (and maybe a cameo or nod to Wallace).

- I guess we'll probably see August too.

- Nods or allusions to the Reverse-Flash.