Thread of discussion about Kate Bishop aka Not that Hawkeye.
This is the old thread.

Where trouble lurks, Bishop works!

General Information by ComicVine
Super Name: Kate Bishop/Hawkeye
Real Name: Katherine Elizabeth Bishop
Aliases: Hawkbird, Hawkeye, Hawkeye Jr., Hawkingbird, Kate Bishop, Madame Masque, Mockingbird, New Hawkeye, Young Hawkeye, Hawkette, Lady Hawkguy, Arrowhead
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Jim Cheung, Allan Heinberg
Gender: Female
Character Type: Human
First Appearance: Young Avengers #1 - Sidekicks (Part 1)
Powers: Agility, Gadgets, Insanely Rich, Intellect, Leadership, Marksmanship, Stamina, Swordsmanship, Unarmed Combat, Weapon Master

- Young Avengers Vol. 1 - 2
- Avengers: The Children's Crusade
- Civil War: Young Avengers and Runaways
- Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers
- Dark Reign: Young Avengers
- Hawkeye Vol. 4 - 5
- Hawkeye vs. Deadpool
- All-New Hawkeye Vol 1 - 2
- West Coast Avengers Vol. 3
- War of the Realms: Journey into Mystery