Rise and Fall of DC Comics as we know it

Ethan Van Sciver blames wb for dc layoffs, Here’s everything he speaks concerning the film
“Decisions were made to have Joss Whedon come in and finish the movie. Joss Whedon didn’t like what he saw, apparently, and asked for close to $300 million from what I’ve heard. If you have better information about this, let me known, but he basically asked for an enormous, almost equal to the original production budget to reshoot and to finish Justice League. The Zack Snyder movie. [Whedon] made it into something else. The movie was a catastrophe. And it was an expensive catastrophe. It lost an awful lot of money.”

also says

“You have to imagine what spending close to $700 million on a movie and losing hundreds of millions of dollars on a movie can do to people, can do to their jobs. Shortly after, Diane [Nelson] took a break. Diane never came back. She announced she was staying gone. Geoff Johns, I think, also took some of the blame for the Justice League movie, and he lost his position there. Others at DC have who were involved with the Justice League movie also lost their jobs, lost their positions. The effects are still rippling.”

That on top of the fact that the comic book industry is collapsing under the weight of apathy at this point. In 2016, there were 2306 comic book stores, now there are 1900. Comic book stores are closing down and going out of business at a startling and frightening right. Once we reach the critical mass of 1500 retailers, for companies like DC and Marvel to solicit their product to, it will no longer be viable. All during this collapse, DC and Marvel have employed price hikes, they have employed various gimmick scams. I mean I call them scams, that is what I think they are. A retailers job is to look at the product that they are being offered and then kind of decide based on what they know about their customer base, the people who come into their store and what they buy, how many copies of each one of these comic books that they should provide on their stands, for complete sell-through. Nobody wants to be stuck with this product, you know two weeks after its date it has gone cold. At this points comics are like bread, they have a sell-by date, and they go stale and people do not buy them when they go stale. That is the situation with comics now.


accordingly. that is probably there will continue further layoffs if WB and including DC squanders. there will be meeting on Thursday. there be more update.

DC previously lost Millions of Dollars not only DC But WB as well. because of too numerous titles like both regular and variant covers. variant covers are a loss of money and too many titles are a waste of money even too many Bat-titles. even 500 or it is 5000 dark knight variant covers?

in the past, there were 3000 comic shops and today only 1900 comic shops remain. what happens?

DC is eliminating complimentary digital copies of greatest of their comic books though will be experimenting among them toward greater-profile projects.

I hope WB And DC better act fast or DC will manage to bankruptcy court near the future.

is that why Titans and other titles canceled? because I read somewhere that says DC plans decline titles
I could be wrong.