Quote Originally Posted by WallStreeter View Post
Keep in mind a lot of old school comic book fans are extremely sexist and misogynistic. They attempted to bury Captain Marvel, which BLEW it out of the WATER.

I think from the clips I've seen of the movie it's very good, and Sophe's acting was very good. In those few clips from the trailer we saw more development of Jean Grey than we did in all of X-1-X-3.

I think Dark Phoenix will do amazingly fine.

Because this time they got a popular young actress already tied to another franchise, and that always helps bring in viewers. Famke was poorly cast as Jean. Sophie was a much better pick.
Concerning the bold, there are certainly segments of that in comic fandom (as there are everywhere), I don't think it was comic fans that were driving the Captain Marvel hate train: it seemed like it was being driven by YouTube "culture critics" and other like elements. I didn't notice too much pushback from comic fans, but I don't really pay attention to those boards, so I could be wrong.

I just can't believe the scuttlebutt about Dark Phoenix being a bad movie: there's just so much of it that looks good, and it's got really quality people involved.

In regards to Kinberg being a first-time director, I don't think that's an indication of failure. It's obviously not an indicator of success, either. If I recall correctly, Tim Miller was a first-time director when he did Deadpool, and that worked out well.

I don't hold any aspirations for this movie making huge bank, nor does it particularly matter if it does.

To reiterate what I've said earlier in the thread, this is the end of this iteration of the team: so there won't be any sequel cancellation if it does well nor will there be a sequel created if it makes bank. Heck, the entity that made this movie doesn't legally exist anymore, so it's not like it's beholden to those stockholders. Disney's got a completed movie that they didn't have to spend any money on (at least production costs: I figure they're gonna spend some cash marketing it, as their presentation at CinemaCon showed), and they're gonna release it and cash the checks that come in.

In terms of the fandom, there's always a certain amount of nonsensical d!ck-waving when it comes to box office numbers, which I don't get at all unless you own stock in the company, but this particular era of the franchise is ending. The MCU versions of these characters are going to happen: that's a definitive statement. So the fans of the current/old era of the franchise get this film to wrap everything up in a (hopefully) nice bow.

It's really quite an interesting phenomenon.