Quote Originally Posted by Harpsikord View Post
I see a lot of points in this thread. Some of them are points that I agree with, others are points that I very much disagree with. For starters: shelving the brand is a mistake at this point in time. Could I have seen a time where not having a Teen Titans team would've been beneficial? Yes, during the New 52 era specifically. But now the (Teen) Titans have a hit television show on a moderately successful streaming service as well as a, whether you like it or not, incredibly successful and lucrative children's TV show. To have them disappear from the comics entirely is a bad idea, and it's not going to happen, not completely. And I wouldn't want it to. The Titans literally brought DC back from bankruptcy, I don't care what Didio says, they deserve respect.

I was going to come in here and suggest a Titans team that outside of a core four doesn't have a set team, and I'm still going to suggest it, but that isn't going to be my main point because I've come up with another that I like more based on the responses here. But first, that team: cancel the Teen Titans team indefinitely, to start. There is only one team of Titans, and it is this one. A team on part with the Justice League that deals with similar, if more centralized, threats. It is lead by Nightwing, Donna Troy, Starfire, and Wally West. These are the only four members of the team that appear in every arc and if we're working off of current continuity, make it five and change Wally to both Raven and Beast Boy. They are the constants. Otherwise, the remaining two to four spots on the team belong to the other Titans - Omen, Bumblebee, Guardian, Cyborg, etc, who sub in based on the arc. There's also a younger team that takes the focus sometimes that the Titans are teaching. They're all based in the tower.

The other option that I like more upon reflection is a group of Titans that is diametrically opposed to the Justice League. The League hasn't had a team that directly opposes the things that they do other than as a group of villains as a long time, they haven't had a true heroic rival. Why can't or shouldn't that be the heroes that they have trained that should for all intents and purposes not be as jaded as the league is. A more optimistic, A-Level superhero team. That's what the Titans should be. Define the Titans as being on the same level of the League in an event that forces them to oppose each other... philosophically. And The Titans should be written as the ones in the right, and correctly so at that. Then spin the team out of the event (in an ideal world for me this would be Nightwing, Donna Troy, Cyborg, Omen, Beast Boy, Terra, and Starfire) and have them deal with Justice League level threats as well as threats that are limited to the Titans. Have them prove their worth and continue to paint them as good as the League in other titles as well as their own. Maintain the rivalry, but make it a rather friendly one. Make the Titans the... friendlier alternative to the League. Still have them based in a Titans Tower, ideally the one in New York or a newly introduced Jump City. Where the League is untouchable in their lofty satellite... the Titans portray themselves as human and approachable.
This would be an excellent concept! Great job.