Quote Originally Posted by Anthony W View Post

Sigh. If you were to make a pie chart showing what makes Moonknight cool ninety percent would be dedicated to the costume and....oh who am I kidding one hundred percent would be costume.

It's sad to see that Marvel still hasn't learned their lesson when it comes to this character. You would think the editors would pump the brakes and all these personalities and tell their writer to focus on making Marc Spector work. Give the character one good personality that works as opposed to a bunch that don't.
I think most MK fans would say that Marc's multiple personalities are what separates him as a character and that the best work done with MK presents him as having more going on than just a cool costume. Yes, that costume is very cool but there's more to MK than that. Getting him right is not easy and you can come at him from many different angles but making him more basic doesn't seem to be a fruitful way to bring out the best in him.