This is ~*inspired*~ and I cannot believe you people have no VISION! Marvel/Dis needs to diversify their properties they payed boucoup buckos for and they didn't JUST to have a boring, straightlaced nerderrific continuity 100% of the time.

Drunk hag aged Dazzler IS basically 21st century Dazzler and Chelsea Handler being a foil for that is so mesmerizing I wish I'd thought of it. I always assumed if they did a Dazzler property they'd revisit it as tweenaged Unikitty! type-fare, so this more adult version could be wild, wacky, and fun. And it probably WILL BE. It's so different it's just what the doctor ordered.
And mixing it up with Howard and the absurdity of MODOK?! I can't even.

PLUS Dazzler is doing her own thing away from the XU, and being more MU, which is what Dazzfans had been hoping for for years so this is 100% wonderful and she's long and strawberry blonde so I am so so so signed up for this.
I hope LoLo appears as her perky sister and Dazzler just can't even.