Quote Originally Posted by Jody Garland View Post
Morrison's run in the gold standard and what the show is largely based on. Giffen's run is also pretty good, in my opinion, but opinions vary. Other than that there is only a few other runs. Arcuidi's isn't bad, IMO, but Byrne's is garbage. Way's first run is pretty great- it's like bubblegum pop with a bit of an edge. It feels a bit anti-climactic at the end, since it's being continued, though, so fair warning.

The original Arnold Drake/Bruno Premaini run is very good for Silver Age DC but has aged, as something half a century old would. It's still pretty great if you enjoy older comics. I've not read Pollack's run, and i don't believe it's up on DC Universe, so I can't really give an opinion of that one.
Thank you!

I see that Morrison’s run starts at #19, should I read the previous issues or it’s a “full” reboot