I was very satsified with the finale, which was the strongest episode to date. Loved the Coulson/Fury chemistry, and the way they brought the Tahiti angst to a close. It felt like things came full circle with Coulson once again coming at things from a place of hope. I also appreciated Fury and Coulson's validation of everything SHIELD stood for, which made their attempts to revive it more credible.

The Ward/May fight scene was fantastic, and nice to see him get his comeuppance, but also left some room for him to try and find a new place in the world without Garrett. I had suspected they would give him a big redemption moment, but it's nice that they didn't try to sell that this time around, given that he tried to kill Fitz and Simmons.

Triplett and Coulson's shared fascination with Howling Commandoes tech was a delight.

And it's great to see Patton Oswalt back in play. I thought his death was a waste, but now we get to have our cake and eat it, too.

Very excited for the second season!