So, a little background here for those you aren't aware of the rumor mill surrounding Geoff Johns stepping down as co-head of DC Films. The head honcho of Warner Bros. is a guy called Kevin Tsujihara. Apparently, he was the one who not only required Justice League to be under 2 hours long, but also refused to delay the movie after Zack Snyder dropped out and Henry Cavill was unable to shave off his mustache for reshoots. All of this led to a horribly rushed story with a completely underdeveloped villain, shoddy CGI and a Superman whose upper lip looked ridiculous for half the film. All of this was so that Tsujihara could get his bonus, which he did, even though his decisions led to millions of additional costs (8 million alone for Cavill's upper lip) and helped Justice League tank at the box office.

As a result, Geoff Johns was told to fall on his sword and stepped down from his executive role at DC. Since then, the Johns shepherded Aquaman made over a billion dollars at the box office and his Shazam is similarly tracking to be a giant success.

Well, things are not looking good for Kevin Tsujihara at the moment....

Now, this is Hollywood we're talking about so common sense and decency shouldn't even enter the equation, but it seems to me that whomever replaces Tsujihara as the new head of Warner Bros. might just look at Johns's track record and ask him to take his old job...if he even wants it. And, if he does, how will that effect the power balance at DC comics, which is currently breaking in its new head honcho. Her predecessor, Diane Nelson, was a big supporter of Geoff Johns.

Does anyone else think this is a possibility or do I have my tinfoil hat on again?