In theory, I hate this concept for the Superverse.

I like the idea of Krypton being the source of most things sci-fi for Superman's stories. The idea that such a place had literal deities is more than a little frustrating to me.

But maybe that need not be the case.

I never read THE LAST GOD OF KRYPTON by Walt Simonson and the Hildebrandt brothers.

Was this any good? Looks gorgeous enough that I may have to look for it.

Main point: I would like to know more about Rao, Cythonna, and any other gods of Krypton that have seen publication and interacted with our boy Kal.

Is there a legit pantheon? Or is it just these two?

What are their powers? Is Rao a galaxy-buster like Marvel's Classic Odin or far beneath him in terms of feats?

What are the stories that these Kryptonian Gods appear?

Questions, questions, questions ...