Quote Originally Posted by SuperiorIronman View Post
I don't have a horse in this race seeing as I may or may not pick up Valkyrie.

However only having a logo is nothing new. Comics are developed months in advance in order to avoid delays and Valkyrie is shipping post-June assuming it's spinning out of War of the Realms so it has time to develop. There are two writers on the book meaning we've got a recipe for this to get out on time despite three months being between now and whenever this shows up. That is of course assuming it's out right after War of the Realms, else why announce it now? Cover artists are not always the same as interior artists and so it's not unheard for their to be work done on a book but not on a cover.

That being said it could also be spoilers.

A cover can reveal a lot and so if it is a new Valkyrie it could spoil who that is in War of the Realms especially if its spinning out of that. No better way to defuse tension than to know damn well who is going to make it out alive. If it is the standard Valkyrie then it could easily be a case of not having a cover to show but a logo which isn't unheard of.
Multiversity Comics tweeted CB said it will launch this July already, so it certainly would have at least some character sketches or a non-colored cover to show if they wanted to. Of course it doesn't necessarily mean it's a new Valkyrie, but it's very likely they didn't show anything intentionally.