For all who responded me, don't forget the mutants chose in this event to go far from Earth! It's not like Utopia or Genosha which are located on Earth. So, I don't think that they will keep contact with Earth anymore. We saw futuristic stuffs with no humans so far except new Sentinels. If they are outside of Earth how they are supposed to protect the rest of mutants from bigotry and hatred? It doesn't make sense, right? They chose to preserve themselves. That's why I called it an egoistic choice and it doesn't reflect the philosophy of the mutants so far! The problem is most of them seem to make the same choice and it's people with different points of view: Magneto/Prof X/Cyclops/Storm/Jean/Emma. It seems odd that mutants who fought all of their lives for acceptance, chose to flee when they won some battles. It's absurd that they did a thing like this! It doesn't look like our X-Men "normal" behaviour.