Ok, so I bought some comics today and they put a free Marvel Preview in my bag. One part was of a Stephen King Dark Tower thing and the other was related to the TV show Revenge. Now...personally, I've watched that show once and can barely remember what it was about, but that's besides the point. I know Marvel has also done comics related to Dexter and Castle. And I think this in principle is a good thing. Not everyone is into superheroes and if you want to bring new fans into the comics industry, you've got to give them a variety of content.

My "problem" is that I don't think these things get anywhere near the same amount of promotion as their superhero events. Whether it's these TV tie ins, the OZ books, the Anita Blake stuff...it's like I go into the store and by accident see them. Now, maybe it's me and I'm not going to the right websites or whatever, but I think they could do more to hype these things. Back in the 70's-mid 80's Marvel did all kinds of adaptations from Raiders of the Lost Ark to The Muppets Movie to Xanadu, but that's back when random people would see comics at the corner drug store or 7-11 and just pick them up if they caught their eye. Today it's different, folks aren't going to just go into a comics store unless that have a good reason.

So anyway, I was wondering what other people thought. Has anyone one read the Dexter and Castle comics? Are there any adaptations new or old that you like? Should Marvel (and DC) do more of these? What could be good adaptations that might attract non-fans? More importantly...How could they promote these thing better?