Based mainly on Perez' version, of course:

Based on Perez's idea mainly (and upon the instruction of Gaia),

Why not:

Demeter give Hippolyta magical clay and she is born from her mother her as normal (without a dad!)
Aphrodite gives her universal beauty that everyone is to behold
Athena gives her wisdom and military strategy
Artemis gives her extended senses in all all five senses and animal communication/control
Apollo gives her the ability to heal fast and invulnerability to fire
Poseidon gives her the ability to breathe underwater and ability to survive in extreme temperatures under water (hot or cold)
Hermes gives her flight and speed
Hera gives her immortality outside PI; the only amazon who can do this
Zeus gives her super strength and the ability to function in space/planetary atmospheres with no oxygen/special gear
Hades gives her the power to bring the dead back to life (within a very limited time frame, and a body needs to exist) and
Haesphestus forges her armor and weapons
Hestia grants Diana the power to summon a circle of fire to protect whomever she wants and see the truth (as in her lasso) and is also responsible for her loving, peaceful personality

Ares on the other hand, give Diana a gift of vulnerability to mortal weaponry (so while she is impervious to blunt trauma, she remains vulnerable to simple weaponry such as hand held weapons and guns), which he justifies in order to keep her powers in check and not to abuse it; that she can be killed by a mere mortal (given the right circumstances). Also, he, devised a scheme, and convince the Primordial Goddess Nyx to create Devastation through her own children, so it's like a play out of the Titan-Olympian war.