Quote Originally Posted by SiegePerilous02 View Post
The red head could be Darla, that might be interesting. May mean she's not a love interest anymore, Angel is only a fool for blondes

Think this an alternate for #6. I also linked to a podcast with Bryan Hill where he pretty much confirms that Wolfram and Hart exist, and we will be seeing Lorne.


Angel Cover.jpg

So I know for sure we have Spike (ugh-but maybe I'll like him here), Gunn, Fred and Lorne. I'm thinking the other two are either Wesley or Doyle and Cordelia. Unless they are new characters?

It could be Faith rather than Cordelia because Cordy's blond and looks more like Charisma Carpenter but I'm probably wrong.

The dude could be Wes or Doyle but I'm leaning towards Wes. Doyle could replace Merle as Angel's informant. it could go either way but I dont see it being someone new.

I actually don't mind new characters. The IDW ones were pretty cool.

I actually don't hate Spike's portrayal that much. On the other hand Drusilla lost all of her unique qualities and feels Darla-like.