Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
Look I know writers are terrible at math, science, and understanding scale but less than 10000 GLs to Patrol an entire universe always struck me as stupid. There are more police officers in America than there are for an intergalactic police corps? So I’m all for more GLs, but I need them to give some love to the alien GLs. I don’t like how everything revolves around what the humans are doing. I get that it’s human writers writing for a human audience but it makes the universe feel so small. I’m interested in Far Sector because this GL is in a setting extremely different from what her other GLs are doing. So we’ll see how it goes.

Once upon a time maybe but Hal has not had much of a life on Earth in a long time. It was even a plot point in Johns run that he spent so much time away from Earth that he didn’t even have an apartment, car, or job.
Which is a shame, because the first two years of his run were based primarily on Earth and were great.