Quote Originally Posted by BitVyper View Post
I feel that the feat being discussed is setting the upper limit for his speed. I feel the rest of the series well establishes his superspeed to the extent that any time he's not instantly solving his problems with superspeed of the "trivially wallpaper an entire house" level, there's obvious PIS going on. I think this is a problem for SvsFL arguments against the feat being discussed, because the vast majority of problems that could be solved by superspeed in the series could be solved by the better established level.
If nothing else he ever did in a multi year series where he was basically in every episode ever came close to that, even slightly, then saying that since the things that aren't even remotely close didn't require much from him, the thing wildly beyond them totally works just fine, does not reconcile. It attempts to handwave the "nothing ever came close ever" detail that you seem to both want to acknowledge, then ignore at the same time, somehow.