Quote Originally Posted by aja_christopher View Post
"Republicans Refuse to Criticise Trump's Racist Tweets"

"Donald Trump’s racist tweets urging Democratic congresswomen to “go back” to the countries they came from have provoked widespread outrage, but Republicans have refused to condemn the remarks.

Members of the president’s party have remained largely silent after the xenophobic remarks aimed at progressive congresswomen, presumed to be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley.

A spokesman for Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s majority leader, declined to comment on the remarks and representatives for GOP leaders in the House have also chosen not to respond to requests for comment."

I've maintained that McConnell doesn't give a fuck what Trump says, as for the rest of those weasels, they're too damn gutless and afraid of Trump to do the right thing and condemn his vulgar comments. And by staying silent, they enable the orange bastard who's bound to say even more outrageous shit, safe and secure in the knowledge no one in his feckless, emasculated party will speak out against him.